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Old 01-10-2005, 07:58 PM   #1237
Itinerant Songster
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littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Silmaril Uien and Falowik

Uien was about to enter the inn's Common Room when through the door stepped Zimzi, who shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked for someone - likely her groom. A smile spread quickly across Uien's face.

"Zimzi! I give you good greeting!"

Zimzi's face lit up, but not without a hint of confusion as her eyes adjusted. Then Uien came close and Zimzi's eyes registered her delight.

"Uien of Lorien! You have come for our handfasting? I'm so glad!" They threw their arms around each other and embraced. Then Zimzi caught Uien's shoulders in both hands and held her, looking intently into her eyes. "Surely it was by chance that you came to Bywater today!"

"I heard that it was to be your handfasting day and hurried from Rivendell, faster than poor Falowik cared to go. We came in just this morning. You look like the queen you should today!" She kissed Zimzi's cheek. "This is a joyous day! I am happy for you!"

"Thank you. But how did you hear? Is my handfasting such news that they speak of it as far as Rivendell?"

Uien laughed. "Nay. The Elves do not concern themselves with the affairs of Men or Hobbits, except for the few of us who will. As do I. It happened that I cast my thought this way and an Elf whom I know not, was here, and knew what would pass this day, and so I learned and came."

"Then I am glad that Elf was here. Who was it, so I may speak my thanks?"

Uien shook her head. "I know not, but it matters not. I have found you!" Zimzi laughed. "But I have a boon to ask of you, dear Zimzi. I have already asked it of Derufin, and he obliged me." She held up Derufin's hair for Zimzi's inspection, and Zimzi's eyes went wide. "I need the same from you. Fear not, 'twill not hurt in the least, nor mar your beauty. May I?"

"Of course! But why?"

"That you shall see soon enough." Uien's eyes remained lidded with her secret, her grin reassuring nonetheless.

"Cut away then, sweet Uien."

"Nay. I shall pluck most gently. Fin tulolain othond." Next moment, Uien held ten strands of Zimzi's hair before the bride's face.

"I felt nothing!"

"Of course not. Now I must return to my Laurëatan with my prize." Uien kissed her once more and was about to walk away but turned at the last moment. "Derufin is over there." She pointed to a small crowd not far from them.

"My thanks!" said Zimzi, who moved with the grace of a queen for a day to the crowd surrounding her groom.

Uien smiled and found Falowik, and they returned to the stables.
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