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Old 01-10-2005, 01:50 AM   #74
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Dedicated Character - Dúnedain Counselor/Lord – CaptainofDespair

Name: Mitharan

Age: 67

Race: Dunedain

Gender: Male

Weapons: As a Dunedain Lord, Mitharan is entitled to both the finest of steels, and the heirlooms of his house. The greatest of these relics, in the blade Arancir, the Noble Cleaver. Besides his aged blade, he wields a small dagger, which he uses both to parry, and to deliver the final blow to the orcs who oppose him.

Appearance: Clad in earth tone clothing and cloaks, the Dunedain Lord looks as if he had just crawled forth from ages of wandering in the forests of the North. Beneath these often tattered raiments, is a glittering chainmail hauberk. His hair is dark, almost black, and his eyes match it with the deep darkness that pools in them. His face is weather beaten, and marked with high cheek bones, giving him an aged, lordly look. Only his hands show the signs of someone still youthful. The rest of him looks aged beyond his years, as he has seen many horrors, of which will never escape his mind.

Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: Like most Lords, he is proud, almost too proud. More often than not, he can be seen striding to meet a danger he is ill-equipped to handle. Yet, with his trademark tenacity, he manages to pull through in the end, and achieve his goal. His pride drove him to near death, as he fought in almost complete solitude, hopelessly trying to drive back the hordes of orcs as they rampaged on the outer battlements of Fornost, the greatest stronghold of Arthedain.

Yet, his pride, although remaining as his most glaring of weaknesses, is also his greatest strength. Throughout his life, he has been engaged in various conflicts. And though most would have been successful, without his pride, it is the driving force behind his personality. Without it, he may very well be just another Dunedain. But with it, he is totally unique from all those who surround him. From his pride, he derives his tenacity in battle, and life. He is not one to give up, or diminish, just because a few deciding battles have been lost.

History: Mitharan was born in 1907 of the Third Age. From birth, he was given almost immediate training in the ways of war, and of the lordship he would inherit. His early childhood was one marked by happiness, as peace was still lurking in the air. He grew up quickly, in mind, faster than most children. He was always considered a firebrand, and quite haughty for one so small. For some time, his life was easy, and he continued to be a carefree youth, often wandering for endless hours in the woods, marveling at the beasts.

This pattern continued with him, as he came of age. But, with age, comes wisdom, and he slowly fell into the Lordly ways of his father, Arátohîr. He began studying the world through scrolls and tomes, as well as continuing his ways of wandering, though to a lesser degree. His father often scolded him for following the ‘ranger’ ways of wilderness treks, for he himself was more inclined to follow the path the Gondorian nobles were carving. Eventually, his wandering ceased.
Many more years passed, and Mitharan was now well on his way to becoming the wise, aged Lord his father wanted. But, this would be disrupted, for civil war was breaking out, and Cardolan and Rhudaur were in upheaval. Though, even with these two factions of the former kingdom of Arnor bickering over the palantir of Amon Sul, a greater enemy lurked on the horizon. The Witch-King of Angmar had begun his attacks, though small they were at first. Within some years, both Cardolan and Rhudaur were beaten, and Angmar was becoming the true power of the North.

Within a few more years, Angmar was encroaching upon Arthedain, and was preparing to destroy its only remaining rival in the region. At this time, the Dunedain remnants mobilized, and prepared to march against the Angmarim power. But, it was in vain. The Witch-King’s forces were too numerous, and eventually, they made their way to Fornost, and laid siege to it....


CaptainofDespair's post

Standing on the last remaining battlements of the city, was the Lord Mitharan. Alone he was, save for his bodyguard who stood at a distance. He slowly surveyed the carnage of his once mighty home of Fornost. Below, the bodies of the dead Dunedain soldiers and civilians were strewn amongst the carcasses of the orcs. Black blood mixed with the red-stained innards of the slain people of Fornost. The stench that arose from the streets and alleys was horrendous, and few could withstand the reek for more then a few moments. But the orcs, the orcs relished the smell, and it gave them new life. They only lived for the destruction of men and elves, and it was their greatest love to see the bodies of these hated enemies being ripped apart and eaten, some of them still alive. This sight disgusted the Dunedain Lord, and he turned from the death and destruction, and strode off the battlements, towards the last of the Great Halls, to hold a council with his remaining lords.

The streets were eerily quiet, as he walked the lonely path to the Hall. His mind drowned out the horrific sounds of the screaming, and torturous deaths of the civilian populace, as the Orcs ran rampant through the broken streets, killing and plundering as they went. Rather, he focused on his task at hand. He was forced to take a few back alleys at one point, as the barricades that had been laid up, were still in position, ready to be defended to the last. He was careful to avoid these checkpoints, for they only slowed him down, and he was hurriedly moving about. Yet at last, with a bit of effort, he found himself upon the steps of the Great Hall. Pushing aside the great wooden doors, he entered the slightly damaged building, which had been hit with siege projectiles in the latter parts of the Witch-King’s siege. One section of the wall was even being supported by the wooden struts of nearby houses, which had been destroyed or severely damaged by those same projectiles.

Upon entering, he stopped in mid-stride, and gazed at the lords who were now arrayed in the hall, and we already discussing what would be done. The King though, was absent, apparently handling other, more important business, with his chief counselors. Quietly, Mitharan slid himself into a chair, to listen to the rest of the debate. For a few moments, all was silent, as the speaker, having been interrupted, attempted to regain his thoughts. But at last, he composed himself, and began to speak.

“We are now at a crossroads. We have only two remaining options. Surrender has been ruled out, as neither side would accept it, and it would only be disastrous for our people. Thus, we must either fight to the death, or flee into the wilds, and hope to evade this enemy for as long as we must.” The Counselor paused, and scanned the faces of those surrounding the great, round table they were situated around. “Now, we must make a decision that will affect us for generations to come, or will end our people. But final word will come from the King, to where we flee, or where we die.”

Many of the other lords sat still, almost like they were frozen. Not a single one of them rose to answer the call of the speaker. Instead, they sat, and pondered their fate, and the fate of the Dunedain. But, Mitharan, in his unconventional ways, rose at long last, and addressed his peers.

“Our doom is inescapable! We are a dwindling people, losing number every day. We will not, nor can we, recover from what has occurred. If we flee, we will only be hunted, like rabbits fleeing the dog. The Witch-King will not stop until we are all dead. Our families, our people, will live in fear daily. Why not end that, and put up one last, glorious defense. One worthy of the name Dunedain!” He paused, and as if to ensure his meaning got across to the elder lords of this Council, he spoke again. "We must fight to the death!"

Murmurs could now be heard amongst the wizened men. Mitharan still stood, as though he was ready to march out, and confront the Witch-King himself. Finally, at the behest of another, he sat, and awaited the replies. But only dissension could be heard rising up. Some agreed with the young lord, and wanted to face the enemy head on, but the eldest of them, wanted to hide in the wilds, and hope to find a safe haven. Eventually, most agreed with this idea, and the Council began discussing what option they had, should they manage to escape the ruin of Fornost. Some suggest Imladris, others, Ered Luin, and a few suggested Lindon, where Cirdan dwelt. But a final agreement could not be made, other than that those who could flee, should go where they are able.

Mitharan stood from the table, upon the conclusion of the debate, and fled the confines of the hall, for the rancid smell of the dying city. Walking out, he heard the sounds of the dying rising up over the last section of defendable walls, and ran towards it. His only thought was to die protecting those who needed him, the civilians. Quickly he went, until at last he can to the final barricade before one who enter the overrun sections of the city. With his bodyguard in tow, he entered. His first sight, was that of some hapless civilian who had been caught in the fighting. Her eyes stared up at him, unblinking. His heart sank, and put his fingers over her eyes, and pulled the lids such, to give peace to the soul. Wandering a bit further into the city, he found more of the same, only in droves they had died, cut down before their time, by a merciless enemy. His bodyguard meanwhile, was becoming all the more worried. They feared the orc numbers, and knew if they were sighted, only the good graces of the Valar would be able to save them. But they didn’t express this fear openly, but Mitharan saw it in their eyes, and he wept to himself, for what had happened.

With the gates breached, nothing would stop the hordes from coming. Eventually, the inner defenses would fall, and Fornost would be made into a haven of vile creatures and great evil. The guards at the gate had fallen quickly, and only a swift counter-attack by the remnants of the outer defenses, saved the city from falling in one fell swoop. But those men gave their lives, willingly. But at long last, Mitharan could stand the smell of the Angmarim-guided death, and fled back to the inner sanctum of the city. As he crossed the final barriers, in silence, he caught sight of the Captain, Hírvegil. He seemed rather grim, more so than most men in his situation. But the Lord heeded him not, for now at least, and fled up the final stair cases into the inner sanctum of the city, to await what the final order would be from the King.
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