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Old 01-06-2005, 08:24 AM   #67
Illusionary Holbytla
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
This day, Adranel did not march alone. It was rather pleasant, actually, though neither she nor Beluf said very much. For herself, Adranel could not help but dwell on Uther’s speech. If confidence, hope, and heart could win a battle, then these men could win easily. She had peace with herself, with the people around her, and with her loss, but hope? Never had she had hope in the success of this endeavor. Perhaps the defeat would be quick and total, and then the men would not feel the crushing despair when they realized the battle could not be won. This was all she hoped for.

All too soon, and yet not soon enough, the column arrived at the field of battle. Even Adranel, who knew little of battle, could see why the spot had been chosen. For one thing, the landscape was just right so that the Orcs would have a hard time flanking the small force. Their immense numbers would not be so great of an advantage where they could not spread out. Also, it provided for a retreat - no matter how confident, a commander would be utterly foolish not to provide some way out in case of disaster.

A horn, surprisingly close, blew a single, harsh note. The Orcs were coming, marching from the impregnable forces of Gundabad. Soon their cries could be heard, sounding especially harsh in the clear morning sun and not made less foul for not understanding the language. Soon they marched into view, seemingly in endless ranks. There was no chance... they were even more than Adranel had expected. Adranel, however, only saw the numbers, and understood little of battle tactics. She did not know it, but there was a way in which their small force could succeed, and that this was the plan Uther was to put into action.

For a moment, all was still. The Gondorians stood at one end of the field, weapons drawn and awaiting the command. The Orcs were at the other end, prepared for a slaughter. Soon, it would all begin, and end, both at the exact same instant. She leaned over a little bit and whispered, “Beluf... thank you. For everything.” He smiled at her to show he understood, but did not have the chance to reply, for in that moment Uther cried out to his troops, “For victory!”

“For victory!” came the resounding cry, and then nothing was still any longer. Both forces began to charge at each other, and Beluf was lost to her sight. Sounds of battle filled the air: metal on metal, pounding hoofbeats, the cries of men lost in the lust of battle. Adranel smiled grimly. The Orcs would do as they would; they could take everything from her, even her very life, but that was all. She felt in herself the ability to enjoy life again, to hope, and, yes, even to love. The Orcs may take her life, but they would pay dearly. She would not go down without a fight. She selected an arrow and nocked it to her bow, carefully drawing. She was toward the back of the Gondorians, and so she aimed high, hoping to hit in the midst of the Orcs. Twang!

“For victory,” she murmured.
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