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Old 10-27-2004, 04:48 PM   #13
Laconic Loreman
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Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.
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It was a dark and cold night and the sky appeared it was about to dump another storm upon the small settlement of Dale. Sjorging was lying on his bed, just about ready to call it a night. When suddenly, screams were being heard all around. Lancast, one of Sjorging's servants, busts through the door, in a frantic stammer.

"Sjorging, sir, the orcs....they're here.....ra-i-idi-n-ng and bu-r-r-rning the to-ow-w-n." Sjorging draws his sword and runs to the front door. He turns to the boy "Go to the tower, and sound the bell, we must alert the rest of the town, if they aren't already. Here," Sjorging tosses his long hunting knife to Lancast, "you'll be needing that."

The boy opened the front door, it seemed even before he could take a step outside Lancast fell to the ground. Sjorging collapses on his knees, and spots a thick, crude, black feathered arrow in his chest, he drags the boy's body in and closes the door, with a thud. Sjorging isn't even affected by Lancast's death at all, he simply takes back his hunting knife and puts it back at his side. Sjorging was often like this, doesn't remorse for the dead during a battle. He simply thinks, if he makes it through alive he can remorse later.

Sjorging here's a dull thumping on the door, he knows who is waiting on the other side, and...with a strike of fear he begins to smell smoke! The weak lock gives way to the constant jarring of the door. With a quick duck Sjorging avoids the orcs swipe, and thrusts his sword, through the thin leather and into his gut. He quickly kicks off the dead orc body and blocks another swing. Sjorging is struck in the back and falls to his knees, an orc fist..comes towards...closer...and....

Sjorging wakes up with a startle, panting, his breath could be seen in the air. "Sjorging...Sjorging....Sjorging," finally Sjorging realizes that Gelding is at the entrance of his room. "What is it Gelding?" Sjorging says in an annoyed, yet relieved tone.

"I have more word on the pursuing orcs." Gelding replies.

"Thanks for coming to inform me Gelding," then Sjorging starts to wonder, "Gelding, it's strange, the last thing I remember is this orc fist coming at my face, then I must have been knocked out. All I remember is waking up last night at your house...and I was just wondering..."

Gelding interrupts him, "Yes, wondering why you aren't dead? I was about to call it a night, when I see this bright, red, glare outside my window. I rush outside and to my dismay, the whole town was ablaze. This young lad here, Beluf, comes running up, in a frenzy, and explains the orc raid. There we no trace of orcs in the town, I spotted their tracks heading southward, I figured they had left not five minutes ago. I sent Beluf through the town to check for any survivors. That's when I spotted your house, just up aheah engulfed in flames. Luckily, there was time for me still to get you in and out, without the whole house going down, taking us with it. I did spot you on the floor, and noticed that there was only dark, foul, orc blood on the floor. I still didn't know if you were alive or not, until I got you back at my house, when you woke up. Only you and Beluf survived it seems, unless some others escaped before, but it's likely they didn't get far."

Gelding's house was an isolated one, on the outsirts of the town. Only townspeople, who have been up there before, knew about it. Surely raiding orcs, that weren't familiar with the area, couldn't spot Gelding's house up towards the mountains.

"Bless you Gelding, I never thought I'd say it, but bless you." Sjorging remarks with a smile. Gelding is one of the few people Sjorging respects greatly. "What do you know about this Beluf? That you speak of?" Sjorging can be very curious, especially if he's around people he doesn't know. Which means, if he doesn't know them, he doesn't trust them.

"He's a young lad, was the local blacksmith." Gelding replies. "Besides you, and I, he was the only survivor. I couldn't just abandon him."

"I understand Gelding." Sjorging says. "What news have you, of these....orcs?"

"It's to my understanding they are going across Dale, burning anything in their path. We fear they are drawing close, maybe within a days reach. Let's hope for the King's soldiers to arrive soon, we have word they are on their way."

"Nay, Gelding, do not put your hope in them. We must alert King Brand, he'll know what to do." Sjorging remarks. "I'm not so sure about this King...King Elessar. If his troops do arrive, then maybe he will prove me wrong. I have a feeling Elessar isn't taking this situation seriously, that's why we must make our way towards King Brand."

Last edited by Boromir88; 10-27-2004 at 04:54 PM.
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