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Old 10-13-2004, 06:03 AM   #86
Hama Of The Riddermark
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 282
Hama Of The Riddermark has just left Hobbiton.
Hama swung again and again at Arthur who, although visibly shaken and scared, was parrying each stroke deftly, a swordsman's instinct, nothing more or less..."You know nothing of us!" he screamed at Hama, who he obviously didn't recognise immediately, "You know nothing! We have done no wrong, you're a rider, you are sworn to protect us!"...Hama smiled grimly at this last remark. "Sworn protector of law abiding citizens, Arthur Lightheart!" Arthur reeled at the sound of his name. "Not petty, murderous, rich criminals like yourself and your family!"..."Who ARE you?" Arthur screamed, Eowyn stood up, visibly hurt, and bleeding from the mouth where Arthur had dropped her. Her eyes widened, like Arthur's, and like Samuel's, when he said as he swung agin, "I am Hama Haukrsonn, sworn protector of Eomer, his law, and his people. I am also a friend of your family..." Hama smiled as he leaned in close, swords locked, "You always were a slimy, spoilt little brat, Arthur. I'm amazed you're still alive..." Samuel tripped over his own shoes and fell backwards onto the floor as he retreated backwards from the battle. Raen grabbed him and held a knife to his throat. "Leaving so soon, worm?"

Hama and Arthur were evenly matched, for all his experience, Hama was hurt badly, and the bandage around his midriff started to redden around his back as his wound opened again. Arthur, seeing Hama's increasingly laboured swings, stepped up the pace. Now the positions were reversed, Hama was driven backwards while Arthur continued to swing furiously. Eventually, Arthur became tired as well, foiled by Hama's skill. Both men lowered their swords for the briefest of moments to rest...

Hama's face hardened as he watched Sandrina. He'd protected her, damn near died for her, and for what, so these criminals could walk free? As Crystal handed him back his sword, Hama raised it to Arthur's throat. Arthur started to weep, the tears of the damned. He crawled to Hama's feet, kissing his shoes, beggind him to spare his life. Samuel just sat quietly at the back, whimpering. Hama looked dow at Arthur. "One good reason. One good reason why I shouldn't kill you, Arthur." Arthur lowered his head and wept. It was a pitiful sight. He knelt down, praying. Hama spat at him...and raised his sword....

The blade clove clean through Arthur's neck, his headless body, spewing fountains of blood, fell to the floor. Hama raised the head by its hair and threw it at Samuel, who caught it. He began to weep as he saw the expression on his dead brothers face, one of sheer, pure terror. "It'll be you next, Samuel Lightheart, if I ever have cause to do it." Hama spoke harshly, and left, leaving Samuel weeping like a child over his brother's body...

Last edited by Child of the 7th Age; 10-16-2004 at 04:49 PM.
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