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Old 10-11-2004, 03:23 PM   #84
Hama Of The Riddermark
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 282
Hama Of The Riddermark has just left Hobbiton.
Hama rode up front, the pain in his back still lancing now and again. He noticed the tracks on the ground but dissmissed them, after all, in the realm of the horse lords, what are a set of hoof marks? He slowed his horse to a trot and looked at the tracks more closesly, more out of latent curiosity than anything. Many were incomplete, but in one he saw the steel casting of the lightheart family crest. His heart froze. Looking in the direction of the tracks, he mentally conjured an image of the area, and traced the lead to, "Eowyn...Henry!" Hama said, audibly. "Crap!" He spurred his horse into a gallop, it reared up and snorted before beginning its run. Raen and Braedon looked round with astonishment. Sandrina saw it with fear, fear of what Hama was going to do. "Hama!" she shouted after him, but he ignored her. Damnit, Eowyn and Henry were some of his oldest friends, and damn the lot of them to Melkor if he was going to let them suffer a moment longer than they had to.

He looked back after about ten minutes, Sandrina and the rest were in hot pursuit, but his horse was one of the finest in Rohan outside of the Maeras. Its speed was nigh on unmatchable, and while it calmly galloped, the others were having to push their horses to the limit to painfully gain on him inch by inch. Hama knew he could have lost them if he wanted to, but he didn't. He wanted to keep them within sight, in case anything happened to Sandrina. Slowly Henry's cabin rose above the horizon, and slowly two figures came into sight at the door. One, Hama could tell, was Henry. The other...well it looekd a bit like Harold, but it was too far away to be sure. He saw Henry pushed inside the house, his hands bound and his fury increased. Whoever this was, they'd pay for it...they wouldn't get away with it...He kicked his horse's flanks harder and it reached a full gallop, the others behind became smaller and smaller as Hama's horse threw itself forwards with all its strength. Reaching the door to the cabin Hama leapt from the saddle and landed heavily outside the door.

Drawing his sword he braced himself and lashed his foot at the door with all his might. It flew inwards several feet before clattering to the ground. Harold was standing over Henry's form, pushing him into a trunk. Eowyn was being held by Samuel and Arthur, Hama noticed that her arms and legs had been bound, and her clothing was tattered, unusual for her...and certainly not of her chosing. Harold looked round at the door when it flew inwards, a sick smile growing in his face as he slammed the lid on Henry. Samuel and Arthur looked very scared all of a sudden, as if a fully grown Hama Haukrsonn, Royal Guard to King Eomer, bursting through the door hadn't been what they had in mind for this operation. Samuel's lower lip was trembling slightly and he flinched as he saw the uncontrolable fury of Hama's face as he raised it to look at them. Arthur took a step or two backwards, letting Eowyn drop face first onto the floor. Seeing this, and hearing Eowyn's cry as her head hit the ground, Hama pushed Harold from his mind, along with his wound, and lunged with his sword at Arthur...
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