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Old 10-06-2004, 10:14 PM   #13
Nilpaurion Felagund
Scion of The Faithful
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Narya Ah, yes. System of a Barrow-down

I got a copy of their second album, Tooxicity. I especially love the songs Tooxicity, Chubb Suey!, and Déor Dance.

Now Déor Dance, it was commonly believed, was a protest against the Rohirrim policy towards the Dunlendings. But lead singer Serj Tarkiryan said different:

"Three hundred hobbits were expected to attend the Ossëfest concert held in the Hobbiton. Instead, a thousand showed up. The venue and security were not prepared adequately for such a show of heads. The shirrifs got scared of the situation, and decided to call off the concert. But the band was ready to play the show and even ceded to cutting their set list short, despite looming threats of arrests of band members and danger to their lives.

"The shirriffs would not have it! System of a Barrow-downs didn't cancel the show! There were so many people there that only a part of them could even actually view the stage. It was feared that had the band set foot on stage, people would push, shove, and possibly trample others to get a visual fix on the band.

"The shirriffs may have also feared that had the band announced that the show was being cancelled, that it would have lead to anger and hostility against their presence. However, nobody got on stage and announced what was going on. This left everyone to assume everything and anything, and some hobbits out of frustration started to loot and fight.

"Most System fans were appalled by the activities and immediately fled the scene.

"The fleeing of this mass of people may have in turn caused fear in the shirriffs, seeing groups of people running, plus the meleé ensuing in the Party Field. Let's not underestimate the amount of fear created by the visible shirriff presence, reinforced by the Mounted Shirriffs.

"What was happening was like when Déor, King of Rohan, ordered the Dunlendings off the lands given to them by Gondor. They were given no chance to explain themselves - they were just pushed away."
フェンリス鴨 (Fenrisu Kamo)
The plot, cut, defeated.
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