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Old 09-07-2004, 05:30 AM   #92
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Location: In an endless sea of dreams!
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Nerindel has just left Hobbiton.
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Ædhral smiled warmly as the stranger approached, He was taller than he first appeared and his dark eyes gave his grim features a gentle warmth that could easily be missed if one were not looking for it and as he spoke she was surprised, his voice was not gruff but soft and gentle. Before she could answer his first query he continued to speak revelling to her the crest of Gondor upon the shining breast armour carefully concealed beneath his dark cloak. She recognised the crest at once as her Grandfather had oft told her tales of Gondor and the Brave Roquen that protected those lands. Was this man one such knight? she wondered staring wide eyed at the stars set above the white tree.

“I can not reveal this secret to anyone good lady.” he was saying as he pulled the cloak back over again conceal the shining armour from prying eyes. “ But you are singing a song I once sang myself. When I was coming back from a place, I think, that you know?” He smiled gently

Ædhral stood confused and a little taken aback with the strangers words, it’s just a song the elves of Mirkwood sang… Isn’t it? she thought to herself, but just then the stranger sank to his knees those dark eyes now level with hers, carefully studying her face, “you look like the daughter of some one I knew… if you are her you might be able to help me?” he whispered gently.

A little startled Ædhral took a step back , He bore no recognition to her, but he may have known her father, No papa was just a farmer how would he have known a soldier of Gondor? she thought shaking the idea off as absurd, he must be mistaken! She silently concluded.

“Mayhaps these questions can be answered when you are less busy. Pay mind that I am a patient sort and that I can wait my turn till your work is done,” He said as though reading her apprehension. “I will wait your answers. As you await mine.” he smiled with a pleasant incline of his head.

Not wishing to offend Ædhral set down the dishes she had been carrying and gestured for the stranger to stand, as he did so she glanced about the inn to see if one of the others were available to cover her chores while she spoke with this stranger. She caught sight of Kannah across the room rolling her eyes and shaking her head, obviously believing the dark haired fellow was yet another young man trying to win her young friends affections, But she was also busily wiped down the taverns table and collected the empty ale jars. She looked for Finian but he was occupied with another guest. Oh why had she promised cook that she would call Rochadan to lunch! “Just then she saw the young lad who the stable master had agreed to take under his wing, the lad sat alone wistfully gazing out of the open window in the direction of the stables.

With a warm smile she turned back to her guest, “ Off course I will speak with you and help if I can, just let me rid myself of these dishes and see to one last task then I will join you.” The stranger nodded his understanding and thanks then took a seat to await her return.

Picking up the dishes Ædhral walked towards the young boy, “Andhan wasn’t it?” she asked gently as she came up beside him.

“Eh um yes!” the lad fumbled surprised by her sudden appearance.

“you should go down,” she smiled indicating the stables through the open window, “They will not get any closer be simply staring at them,” smiled gently.

“Oh no miss I would not wish to get in the Stable masters way, after him being so kind to me and all!” Andhan replied shaking his head.

“Oh I don’t think you would get in his way and I dare say he would be pleased to know that you are well, but if it would make it easier you could deliver a message to him for me,” she smiled kindly.

The young boy nodded eagerly a pleasing smile coming to his face. “You see I promised cook I would call Rochadan for lunch, he does tend to get rather wrapped up in his work and has to be reminded of time,” she winked, “But something has come up and it would really help me a lot if you could let Master Rochadan know that it is time for lunch,”

“I can do that!” the young boy grinned leaping down from his seat.

“Thank you Andhan,” she smiled ruffling his hair affectionately, “Remember to return with them, cook will give me an earful if I forgot to invite the stable master young friend to lunch,” she winked playfully.

“I will!” Andhan laughed as he hurried out the door, she stood for a moment watching out the window, as the young lad eagerly made his way to the stables, He will fit in just fine and soon find his way! she thought with a warm smile, then turning from the window she moved towards the kitchen stopping briefly to let Kannah know that she would be having lunch with one of the guests, but quickly moving on before the woman could make anything of it.

“Young Andhan has gone to let Rochadan know that lunch is ready,” she told cook as she set the dishes into the stone sink, “And he will be joining them,” she continued wiping her hands on her apron.

“Good, good cook mumbled as she set cookies and milk on the table for the two children.

“Oh and Sallie has a new friend who might appreciate the bone from the soup,” Ædhral grinned remembering the large dog that little Sallie had befriended.” Cook raised in eyebrow. “It’s a dog!” Ædhral laughed as she took two plates from the cupboard and began filling them with an assortment of meats and cheeses. Cook raised an eyebrow again this time at the second plate, “Are you hungry then?” she queried.

“Oh no!” Ædhral laughed, “one of the guests has asked to speak with me and I thought he might be hungry I know I am.”

“Another young man from town making a fool of himself, no doubt, you should tell them where to go and not entertain them my dear,” Cook sighed, exasperatedly shaking her head.

“He’s not from town and he just wants to enquire about a song I was humming,” she replied a little offended by the implication.

“Well, be careful some of these strangers have a bad air about them and could easily lead a young woman like you astray .” Cook warned gently.

“Oh, cook they are just people like you or I, if we where suspicious of every stranger we would not meet anyone,” she smiled lifting the two plates and quickly slipping out of the door before cook could say any more. Stopped at the bar she filled two mugs with sweet cider, when moved to join the stranger.

“I thought you might be hungry?” she smiled setting down the plates and handing him one of the mugs of cider.

“My name is Ædhral and the tune I was humming I heard sung by the elves of Mirkwood as they passed through here returning to their woodland realm after aiding our people in the battle of the five armies,” she said as she took the seat across from him. “My purpose for singing it… I don’t rightly know it just comes to me sometimes, mostly when I am happy,” she smiled.

The stranger nodded thoughtfully but said nothing so she continued, “You said that you thought I looked like the daughter of someone you knew, but I do not know how this could be both my parents were but simple farmers, there farm once stood west of here between the lake and the woods. They died when I was little, My mother died from some mysterious illness and it is said that my Father died in an accident, that same year.”

“Said?” the stranger asked curiously.

“After my mother died I was sent to live with my grandfather in lake town, he told me that lightening struck barn that my father had been working in and that he had perished in the flames,” she sighed sadly remembering pain that had come with that loss, but remembering her guest she smiled.

“But that was long ago, listen to me, babbling on when I have not even given you the chance to give me your name?” she laughed nervously, lifting her mug to her lips.

Last edited by Nerindel; 09-07-2004 at 05:39 AM.
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