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Old 07-29-2004, 06:27 PM   #551
Posts: n/a
A tall figure walked down the towards the inn. He paused a bit as he took note of the morning activities. Brushing a hand through his long brown hair, Mulawin opened the door. The smell of food greeted his nose and he realized he was famished.

Having only paused to rest along the road at night, he'd travelled from the Ford of Loudwater to meet up with Thanatos. He had dallied a bit along the road and had been unable to reach the Inn last night. Looking about the common room, he did not find the person he was looking for.

He sighed, so unlike a ranger, thought Mulawin to himself. He smiled slightly as he walked over to the corner and sat at an available table. Thanatos would likely arrive if not late in the afternoon, then tomorrow.

Mulawin placed his traveling bag and unslung bow to one side. The serving maid approached with a smile and promptly gave him his meal, pausing to ask his name and welcoming him to the Green Dragon Inn.

He slowly began to eat as he took note of the inn's patrons.