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Old 07-26-2004, 11:27 AM   #1000
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Ealasaide here is Amandur and Léspheria's posts to edit into #269




Restless Amandur had risen early leaving both his charges to seemingly wander free. However Amandur was neither reckless or naïve, he had many friends among the elves of Rivendell who when need be would act as his eyes and ears. Neither Avanill nor Toby would even be aware that they were being watched until they tried to do something stupid like leave without him knowing. His frustrations at not yet capturing the treacherous Naiore Dannan weighed heavy on him, but as he paced the empty halls he knew that she was not his only concern, though ultimately the elf and her ties had become the main cause of his unrest. No matter how much he tried he could not ignore the fact that this elf he hunted in the name of the king; a woman that had brought so much pain and suffering to the free peoples of middle earth was cousin to the elven woman he loved. A kind and gentle spirit whose sole purpose in life was to see peace established and maintained throughout the lands. So opposite were they that it was almost inconceivable that they were of the same race let alone of the same blood, but there it was that one small tie that wormed a little fear and uncertainty into his mind.

From the beginning it had always crossed his mind that Naiore would not be one to come willingly to face the Kings judgement and even now with Avanill’s promise of a miraculous potion he was not entirely sure she would allow herself to be taken alive. He already felt Léspheria slowly slipping away from him as she closed her mind, hiding her emotions from the prying intrusiveness of her cousin. Distancing herself from the others, him more so of late so it seemed. That she saw their feelings for one another as a weakness pained him deeply, could she not see that without her his life had no meaning; no purpose, his time in Ammunias had shown him that. He had found no contentment in his position without her there to share it with him. Something had been missing and it had taken this journey to show him what it was and now he was to forget that and bury his feelings so Naiore could not use them against him. Already she was a wedge between them, weather she knew it or not. If he killed her he would loss Léspheria and if he did not he feared he would still loss her, at least the kind and emotional elven woman he fell in love with.

With a heavy sigh he looked up, only to realise that his restless wanderings had brought him to the halls of the healers. Looking around his gaze finally met a familiar face, not a healer but Celebnriel an attendant of the house and a confidant of the lady Léspheria, she gave him a almost knowing smile as she asked him if she could be of assistance.

“Good morning mistress Celebnriel,” he grinned back. “I would speak with Lady Léspheria if she is available.”

“Alas Master Amandur you call at such an early an hour, the lady and her guest still lay in silent slumber and should not be disturbed.” The elven attendant smiled sympathetically.

“Then I shall return later at a more respectable hour,” Amandur replied with a short nod of understanding.

“I shall inform the lady that you called, she will be most pleased to hear that you are well my Lord,” Celebnriel smiled playfully giving him the honouree title he refused to accept, then turned to resume her morning duties.

“My Lady I would ask one more question of you if you can spare me a moment,” he called after her. She stopped and slowly turning she bent her head in acquiescence to his request.

“I would hear of another guest of these halls, a ranger and friend, Master Dúlrain?” Amandur asked his brow furrowed in genuine concern for his comrade. “When last I saw him he was in a bad way, I would hear if his condition has improved.”

Casting a brief glimpse at the door she had just left the elven woman smiled warmly, “Then be at ease Master Ranger your friend is well and even now is awake. His fever broke in the night, he is still a little tended but he will live.”

“Ai, that is good news indeed,” he smiled his troubled brow relaxing slightly. “I would speak with him if the healers deem him well enough to do so?”

“Ah, alas my friend I must again be the one to refuse your request, as the young ranger is not alone. The healers have deemed that he not be troubled by to many guests at once, he still must rest.” She smiled regretfully, “But I shall inform him that you have called and to expect you later in the day.”

“Thank you Celebnriel,” he replied wistfully

“I am sorry I could be of no better help to you,” she smiled shaking her head.
“Not at all Mistress, That I know the lady Léspheria and Master Dulrain are well is service enough and I thank you.” He said returning her smile. Giving a short incline of her head in gratitude she turned and went back to her daily chores of attending the needs of Rivendell’s guests.

As he made his way to the feasting halls he pondered who the guests where that Celebnriel had mentioned but not named, he guessed that Léspheria’s guest had to be Vanwe, it only seemed logical that they would be together and that they would have had much to discuss. As to Dulrian’s guest that could be either Rauthain or Kaldir, he assumed that latter after the conversation they had shared the previous night.

He just reached the halls when he was approached by an elven messenger, “Master Amandur?” the elven lad asked catching his breath and slightly unsure if he was addressing the right man.

“I am he,” Amandur replied,

“My Lords Elohir and Elladan ask that you join them for breakfast.” The elf said having now caught his breath.

Nodding his assent Amandur followed the young elf through the long corridors to a fair sized study, within sat at an oval oak table were the Lords Elladan and Elohir. They were not alone to Elohir’s right sat Belegar the proud and stolid captain of Rivendell’s guard, then opposite him sat two tall and extremely lean fair headed elves, their garb and the delicately carved long bows that sat at their sides marked them as elves of the Galadrim. At the window looking out over the silent beauty of the valley and lost in thoughtfully recompense was Lord Celeborn.

“Come join us Amandur,” Elladan gestured indicating an empty seat next to Belegar, the table was laden with an assortment of fresh fruit, breads meats and refreshments. As he took his place Elohir introduced him to the others at the table.

“Captain Belegar you know,” the elven Lord said pausing to allowing the two men a moment to nod their greetings. “Across from you are the brothers Hallaer and Voronwer, along with our Lord Celeborn they are the last of the Galadrim left in Middle earth,” Elohir smiled with a slight look of regret and sadness crossing his grey eyes as he introduce each in turn.

“Now that introductions are out of the way we will begin!” Celeborn announced turning from the window and taking his place at the head of the table. “Belegar if you please,” he nodded to the elven captain.

“Yes my Lord, The orcs have retreated and no trace of them now remain from here to the forest of Rhudaur, we have burned the bodies and set guards at every entrance to the valley as a precaution, should the orcs think to be so bold again.” Belegar reported.

“And Naiore?” Celeborn asked as he filled his goblet, with the clear crystal waters of the mirrormere.

“We followed her trail through Rhudaur and nor-east toward Hithaeglir, but lost her at the edge of the wilds. It seems to us that defeated she fled with her orc ramble back to their dark holes in the mountains,” Voronwer reported, sneering at his own implication of the elven traitors association with their most foul-some enemies.

However Amandur remained unconvinced, he had discovered from Avanill that Naiore had sent Vanwe into Rivendell to retrieve Menecin and as far as he was aware she had not yet achieved this end, no she would not give up so easily, he thought shaking his head. “ She has not yet retrieved that, which she came for,” he spoke aloud seeing the perplexed stares of the others. “If I have learned anything of our quarry it is that she does not give up so easily, many years have the rangers hunted the Revennor of Mordor and many times she has given us the slip, but not before accomplishing her objective.”

“I assure you Master ranger that she shall not slip into this valley without us knowing it!” Captain Belegar announced defensively.

“Forgive me Captain I meant no offence, merely to point out the ladies determination. I have recently learned that Naiore’s goal was not to enter these halls but to have her daughter lure Lord Menecin from the safety of his protectors.” He added apologetically.

“So the orc were a diversion?” Hallaer cut in frowning with disdain at Naiore’s cunning.

“But she did not count on Vanwe strength to resist her compulsions and on meeting her father and seeing her mothers lies her daughter has forsaken her mothers request and Naiore has lost and will be forced to move on or risk being found!” Elladan announced with a satisfied grin. But Amandur again shook his head.

“No Grandson,” Celeborn said, turning to study Amandur’s troubled grey eyes” I do not believe she will move on until the last remnants of her elven past are completely erased. The elf we once knew is gone and only the shadow remains, twisted with hatred that she would stop at no ends to achieve her goal, this is what you believe is it not Captain Amandur?”

Amandur nodded that this was so, “But my Lord, if she mounts a second attack I do not know that we will be able to hold, we lost many a good elf in the first assault, that our numbers are to few too resist!” Captain Belegar frowned.

“No the orcs failed her once I do not think she will use them again,” Elohir put in his eyes narrowing in silent contemplation, “no if what Amandur says is true she will come herself.”

“This can not be allowed!” Celeborn announced fixing Amandur with his steady gaze, “Elven blood must not be allowed to be spilled in these hallowed grounds, it that was for this very reason that we agreed to allow King Elessar decide what was to be done with Naiore.” Amandur nodded understanding fully what was being asked of him.

“I will have the guards fall back a little to tighten the net that she may not slip through unnoticed,” Belegar said raising to his feet. He then looked uncomfortably between Amandur and his Elven Lords, as if unsure that he should speak of his other concern in front of the ranger.

“We are all friends here,” Elladan prompted.

“What of the bard?” Belegar whispered, “I do not have the elves to spare to search for him.”

Amandur started at this new revelation, “Menecin is missing, Naiore may already be here!” he exclaimed ready to jump from his seat and check that Lespheria and Vanwe where indeed still safe in their room as Celebnriel had informed him.

“At ease master ranger,” Celeborn said resting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “As far as we know Naiore has not the bard, rather he has chosen to part our company and as yet I know not if this is for better or worse.” He sighed forlornly.

“We will use what skills we possess to locate the bard and try to convince him to return!” Hallaer and Voronwer offered together, as they rose from the table.

“Very well, but tread carefully, we know not to what end Menecin’s madness will drive him.” Celeborn warned.

“I will go with you!” Amandur said rising to his feet, the two elves looked at each other then smiled sympathetically understanding his need to act. “We thank you for your offer, but we will be quicker alone. We mean no offence but if we are force into a confrontation, what use will you be.” They said indicating his bound sword arm. Remembering his injury he nodded his understanding and sat back down as the elven brothers followed by the captain of the Guards left the room.

“You should have Léspheria look at that if you are to continue with your task,” Elladan said lifting a green apple from one of the bowls and rubbing it on his tunic. “You do intend to continue,” he asked stopping the apple inches from his mouth and turning to regard him.

“Off Course!” Amandur frowned defensively.

“But you still doubt yourself and your ability to lead,” Celeborn whispered.

“I have already lost one ranger and nearly a second,” he sighed heavily raising from his seat and turning towards the window, clasping his hands behind his back.

“Death has always been a part of the rangers way of life you know this, as did Maethor?” Elohir reminded him.

“It still does not make it any easier to bare, what if I cannot protect her?” he whispered betraying the truth of his fears. The three lords looked at each other then smiling Elladan and Elohir approached him.

“Do you forget the ambush of the pass my friend, when first we fought together?” Elladan grinned.

“No,” he answered not fully understanding.

“Then you will remember who it was that saved our hides.” Elohir said suppressing a wry grin.

Looking out over the valley Amandur remembered that they along with Lespheria’s brother, Lothaniel had been dispatch on an errand into Mirkwood when they had been ambushed by Goblins in the pass. They had managed to surround them and their prospects were looking grim, when Léspheria sensing her brothers danger had come to their aid, dispatching several orcs with her bow before they could make her position and in the confusion he and the elven lords had managed to take the offensive. He grinned despite himself as he remembered this.

“I understand what you are telling me my friends, but I can no longer control my feelings for her and fear that they cloud my judgement. For her safety I would have you command her to remain and pursue Naiore no more.” He sighed.

“But this is not your choice to make, Amandur. Léspheria also has her reasons for searching for Naiore, this you know!” Celeborn gently counselled him.

“Even if it means we loss her completely?” Amandur answered turning to face them.

“Yes, if it is to be so,” Celeborn whispered. Amandur could feel the sadness in the room as they each contemplated this possibility. The elves had done everything possible to prevent the encounter that was to come, but still it would find her it seemed the fates had deemed it so and no matter what they did it was inevitable that the two were meant to eventually meet.

“You should go to her and explain to her how you are feeling I am sure she will understand, if she does not already know, “ Elohir smiled encouragingly.

“We will call counsel tonight and decide what is to be done about Naiore, for now you need to get that arm mended and talk to Léspheria,” Elladan added.


Amandur and Léspheria

It was late afternoon by the time he found the courage to return to the halls of the healers, he stopped by Dulrain’s room hoping to find the ranger awake but it was not to be and the healers quickly ushered him away saying that the ranger needed his rest. He was directed to a small office that opened out to an enclosed garden. There he found Léspheria sitting on a bench reading from the small journal they had discovered at the home of Tallas. He started as he realised that silver tears trickled from her delicate almond shape eyes, so intent was she in what she was reading she sensed not his approach. Reaching into the pocket of his tunic with his good hand he pulled out a clean handkerchief and gently offered it to her. Looking up she smiled, taking the kerchief and wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Are you alright?” Amandur asked, sitting beside her.

“I will be,” she smiled. “I was just reading my mother’s journal,” she told him holding the book up for him to see. “I think I now understand, they where childhood friends, my mother and Naiore. They grew and learned together, forming a bond that was hard to break. Like any loyal friend she could not believe that Naiore was lost to the shadow, but she was wrong and Naiore betrayed her tricking her into giving secrets that she relied to our enemies in Dul Guldor. After that my mother realised that the only way to save her cousin was to set her spirit free, so she pursued Naiore back to Mordor were too late she discovered that the flaw was Naiore’s alone, a flaw created in her thirst for knowledge.”

“And you, what do you believe?” Amandur asked cautiously taking her free hand in his. She was surprised by his question and for a moment lost for words, “I do not believe that there is anything left to save if that is what you mean, though I wish there was for Vanwe's sake,” she frowned.

“Forgive me I had to ask, you do know that it may be…” he began, but raising a delicate finger to his lips she silenced him.

“I do know,” she nodded. “I just ask that it be the last resort, if all else fails.”

Looking deep into her eyes he nodded, even if he did not understand her reasons he trusted her. Realising that he was staring he let go of her hand and looked away embarrassed that he had been so bold, when she had already request that he bury his feelings.

“I am sorry I can not do it, I can no more hide how I feel than I can prevent the sun from rising,” he sighed.

“No, my love it is I who should be apologising,” she exclaimed taking his hands. “I was wrong together we are stronger, I see that now.” She smiled hopefully.

“My love!” Amandur echoed “Are you sure?” he asked knowing what she would have to give up to bind herself to him.

“I am, I always have been, only I have been to blind to see it, can you forgive me.” She replied sadly.

Overcome with joy he pulled her gently into his arms, not even feeling the pain shooting up his arm as he held her tight, their lips met and he kissed her passionately with the longing of a thousand ages. There they remained in each other’s embrace until Léspheria remembered his injury.

“You should let me fix this,” she smiled affectionately. He nodded allowing her to remove his dressing and as she worked they discuss what they had both discovered since arriving in Rivendell, though for the moment he did not tell Léspheria of Menecin’s disappearance not wishing to worry her further.

As the first stars began to twinkle in the evening sky a bell rang to summon them to counsel, “What ever course you decide I will follow, but please I beg you do not ask me to remain,” Léspheria whispered taking his now fully healed arm.

“I promise you I will not,” he whispered nodding his head, then together they made there way to the council chambers of the Lords of Rivendell.


Save: Counsel meeting

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live" ~ Mark Twain.

Last edited by piosenniel; 07-26-2004 at 12:11 PM.
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