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Old 07-21-2004, 06:02 AM   #992
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: In an endless sea of dreams!
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Nerindel has just left Hobbiton.
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Hi Everyone!

I'm now on vacation but amazingly enough I have more access than I did before! YAY!

I plan to use the save Ealasaide kindly put up for the counsel to place several posts, the first being Dulrain's which I will put here now and plead with Eala to put up for me. The next will be Amandur's post which should lead nicely to the Counsel and ending with him and Lespheria going off together and Vanwe going to find out that her father is missing. Does this work for everyone?


Dúlrain joined Benia's gentle laughter as she belatedly returned his greeting, he too only realising that she had not returned one. He gazed lovingly into her deep amber eyes, losing himself in the warmth of her smile. Knowing that his heart was now hers forever and always, he no longer struggled against it. Letting the warmth of his love returned infuse him with such joy and happiness that it cast aside any fears or doubts that he may still have been carrying. They loved each other and no matter what trails they may face in their life's that one truth would always remain strong and unyielding. This he knew with undying certainty as that held each other’s hands their love intertwined like the very fingers they clasped so tenderly together.

The door to the room opened again causing the two lovers to turn, breaking the spell that had been holding them so raptly under each other’s loving gaze. Swinging wide the open door admitted another elf, this one slightly shorter than the other, but with the same free flowing dark hair and the same cheerful glint to her grey eyes. The elf dipped a short curtsy, and then crossed the room to deposit the large silver tray she was carrying.

"Mistress Celebnariel thought that you might like some breakfast," she smiled again turning to them. "She also advises that master Dúlrain try to eat something and if you excuse me I tend to agree, Lady Lespheria is a wonderful healer, quite gifted, but her tonics for loss of appetite are ... shall we say far from pleasant." Then as though to emphasis the point the young elf's delicate features screwed up in disgust and Dulrain rather thought that she was indeed remembering the foul some taste. He looked at Benia and then with a smile of suppressed laughter he nodded saying that he would most defiantly try. The young elf content with his reply simple nodded then departed to attain other chores of the morning.

Slowly letting go of his hand Benia crossed the room to examine the contents of the tray. She lifted the lid of a tall silver teapot and the aroma of a sweet smelling herbal tea wafted across the room. "Hmm, that smells wonderful," He grinned inhaling deeply of the strong refreshing smell.

"There is enough here to satisfy even a hobbits veritable appetite," Benia laughed lightly lifting another lid. But even as she tried to hide it he caught the briefest glance to the open window and he knew she though of her hobbit friend.

"You think of Gilly, is she not here? He gently enquired.

"Oh, yes. She is here and well by all accounts, " she assured him. "But I have not spoken with her since our arrival and fear that I have failed in my duty as friend, I could not bring myself to leave you until I knew you were will." she added slightly abashed as she returned to his side.

"Well, you can see that I am well and I would not wish to keep you from your other duties," he smiled raising her hands to his lips and kissing them gently.

"I would not want Mrs Banks to think that I was holding you here to myself, she just might have a few things to say about that, " he winked jovially.

"I daresay she would," Benia laughed. "But if you are not so eager to be rid of me I will stay awhile longer at least to share in this delicious feast the elves have kindly prepared for us."

"Only a fool would be eager to rid himself of such radiant beauty," he answered pleased that she would not be leaving so soon.

After washing the pair shared breakfast and pleasant conversation, there was no mention of Naiore, Kaldir or even the journey that brought them to their present location. Instead they shared what fond memories they had to share. Dúlrain described to Benia the beauty of the sun rising over the sleepy hills of Evendim with it’s golden rays touching the calm waters of lake Nenuial in the lands north of the Shire that when he was not wandering he called home. Benia smiled warmly at his description delicately closing her eye as if recalling some distant memory. When she again opened them she described to him the shifting sands of her desert home, and how the moonlight glinted a silvery blue hue against the majestic peaks of the grey mountains to the west of Harad’s great desert. They continued to share these small intimate details about themselves and their lives until the door to the room again opened admitting the elven lady Léspheria. Benia remained and he felt her hand gentle squeeze his assuringly as the elven healer bade him good morning, then carefully removed his dressing. They both gasped with surprise the wound was all but fully closed scar tissue and extensive bruising the only clues that any real damage had been done.

“B...But I don’t understand it still feels like I have been hit by a mountain?” Dúlrain muttered shaking his head in confusion.

“That is to be expected,” Léspheria grinned. “There was some external damage that shall need a little longer to heal. While I can manipulated the bodies own restorative powers nature still demands that we keep a little bit of pain to remind us that we are not indestructible, but I can give you something to help lessen natures toll if you require it.”

“No that will not be necessary, but thank you. It will do me no harm to be reminded of my limits,” he laughed wryly.

“Perhaps,” Léspheria smiled “But you should rest, allow the healing to transpire.” She stressed with a gentle firmness. This news distressed him but Léspheria assured him it would not be for long and with Benia’s concerned gaze he relented. The Lady then left to attend the others of her halls leaving them again alone. The day was drawing on and short while later Benia also excused herself, “I too must leave, she is right you should rest. I Promise I will return as soon as I have seen that Gilly is well and we have spoken a little.”

“I will hold you to that promise,” he smiled. “But I would ask one favour,”

“Anything!” she grinned.

“I would know what has become of the others of my company, Kaldir, Amandur, Rauthain and even master Longholes.” He asked staring out of the window, wondering if they had already continued on without him.

“I will see what I can find out,” She smiled drawing him back from his thoughts, still holding her hand he pulled her gently forwards and kissed her tenderly, a long lingering kiss before letting her go. Alone again with nothing to do but stare at the ceiling he carefully replayed the events of the past few weeks in his head until sleep again took him.


Thanks to Pio and Hilde for keeping me up to date.
"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live" ~ Mark Twain.
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