Thread: Triumph!!!
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Old 07-11-2004, 01:26 AM   #30
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Rivendell
Posts: 206
Arwen_Evenstar has just left Hobbiton.

A couple of years ago, while in a class at school, my friend saw my studying the maps in ROTK. Upon her enquiring about what I was reading...well, one thing led to another, and I was explaining the history of the war of the ring to her.
'Right, so Freddo-'
'Right, frOdo, gets the ring from Dumble-'
'Right, and has to take it to Gonnor-'
'It's 'Gondor' and no, he has to take it to Mordor.'
'Right, Mordor. Then Golm-'
'Gollum follows them. Then dumble-'
'Gandalf dies and-'
'He falls.'
'Yeah, he falls and dies.'
'No he just falls.'
'Oh that's right, and he comes back as sauron.'
'It's Sauruman, and NO he comes back as gandalf the white.'
'Cause he used to be gandOlf the brow-'
'Right. Then Aragon dies-'
'AragoRN, and No, that's boromir.'
'Right, Borimir dies, the Fredo-'
'Frodo and Mary-'
'And merry run away-'
'Frodo and Sam leave.'
'Right. And...whats-his-face...Orlando bloom...and the short fat guy...'
*through gritted teeth*'Legolas and Gimli.'
'Yeah, they go off with Aragon-'
'Yeah, and meet Awen at Mordor.'
'Yeah, that's the one. Then her and Legolas get jiggy-'
'It's eowyn and aragorn, and they do NOT GET JIGGY!!!'
'Right. What happened to dumbledore again?'

Woe is me....
'I am Agarwaen, Son of Úmarth...'-Túrin Turambar.
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