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Old 06-09-2004, 11:06 AM   #126
Posts: n/a
Hm. On one LOTR persoality test, I came off as Gil-Galad. Can't imagine why, though, our personalities are really quite different. But if you're asking my opinion, I can think of about two characters that I can connect myself with right off the bat.

The first is Éowyn. I always loved her ever since I first 'met' her in the books, because we're both strong-willed, female, and not about to let people walk all over us. Nor are we willing to let other people fight our battles, or stay behind and wait while something we care for is being threatened. I've adored women warriors for a long time- a lit of my characters, either in my writing or roleplays, are of that category.

The second character, ironically, is her nemesis- the Witch-King of Angmar. I freely admit I have a vicious streak, which often pops up when people annoy me in some way, shape or form- which has been happening quite frequently of late. I have very dark thoughts, and have been known to fantasize about grinding those around me into a pulp. There's also a note of tragedy that hangs around the ringwraiths, for what they once were.
Am I being depressing?

Plus there's my equally morbid fascination with things what are evil, as it were... one might even call it a love.

Last edited by Ebonymist; 06-09-2004 at 12:16 PM.
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