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Old 06-07-2004, 06:30 PM   #273
Illusionary Holbytla
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
Their walk had led them around towards the back of the Inn. The weather was getting chillier, and Lily was starting to feel cold, even with her cloak wrapped tightly around her. She was ready to head back insided and warm herself by the fire with a hot cup of tea.

"You see what I mean?" asked Willow.

"Yes, indeed," said Lily. "There is nothing wrong with strangeness - in fact, some of the most interesting people are also the strangest." Lily turned subtlely back towards the path, intending to make a full circle around the Inn before heading back inside.

Willow coughed, and Lily wondered if she was feeling all right. Mira was quiet, seeming content to listen to the conversation rather than take part. They had almost completed their circuit of the Inn when Lily again spoke up.

"I'm ready to head back inside. If you two would prefer to stay out a while longer, that's all right with me, but I am in desperate need of warming up." She headed off for the Inn, half hoping they would follow but not wanting them to cut short their own walk because of her.

Warmth greeted her at the door way, and she headed inside to get a cup of tea and see what awaited her there.
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