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Old 05-13-2004, 05:32 AM   #100
Illusionary Holbytla
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!

"Far-Away Tales is a good one," Lily agreed. "But my favorite? Hm. I love stores about the old days, about old kings and valiant deeds. I suppose my favorite book would have to be A Collection of Tales Concerning the Elder Days. My uncle, he said it was a real find because it had Elvish tales that weren't written in Elvish." Part of the reason Lily loved the book so was not because of the content, however. The book was beautiful, with a black leather cover and wonderfully crisp pages, and in and of itself held enchantment for Lily. "However, I will read anything that is a book," she said grinning. Lily's eyes were sparkling, as they had a tendency to do whenever she was enjoying herself or excited about something. "And yes, my uncle has a library. He has been collecting books for several years, sometimes travelling if there was one he particularly wanted, but more often buying them off of the many different people that stay in Bree while going through town."

Lily sat back with a sigh, and at once noticed two things. One was how different the Inn looked during the day with sunlight streaming in through the windows, and the other was how much cleaner the common room looked than when she had first come down that morning. Most of the tables and chairs had been put away, and there were no longer empty mugs sitting on the tables. She tuned back into the conversation, waiting for someone else to speak.
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