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Old 05-11-2004, 07:36 PM   #119
Fordim Hedgethistle
Gibbering Gibbet
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Fordim Hedgethistle has been trapped in the Barrow!
Hearpwine took the stairs down to the Common Room two at a time. He had lain awake a long time last night, imagining what it would be like to receive the mantle and harp of the King’s Bard, and humming the tune to his lay over and over again. He had finally fallen asleep only as the first signs of dawn lit the sky, but he was not tired for his brief rest, so excited was he by the day’s adventure before him.

He cried aloud for joy when he saw that both Aylwen and Liornung were in the room ahead of him, but he could not deny the slight disappointment he felt that Mae was not in sight. The last thing he had said to her last night was that he hoped she could come to the competition this day, but she had declined sadly, saying that she had to work in the kitchens. Hearpwine had promised to speak with the Innkeeper about that. He moved to the table where Liornung sat and heard him asking for hot drink. Heedless and excited as he was, Hearpwine rushed at them with his words, “Master Fiddler, and my good lady Aylwen! Good morning – the best morning! My fate is decided this day!” He gave Aylwen a tremendous hug at this that lifted her clear off her feet. Setting her down he clapped Liornung on the back so hard that his friend was nearly thrown from his chair. Hearpwine fell into a chair saying, “Could I also have something to drink? Water, of course!” But before Aylwen could answer he was on his feet again. “Perhaps I shall fetch it myself. I have been abed all this night and my limbs could use the stretching if I am to be at my best flight this morning!”

He went into the kitchen hoping to find Mae but she was nowhere in sight. He quickly got the water that he wanted, as well as a loaf of bread and a large pat of butter with honey and some cheese. By the time he got back to the Common Room he was feeling much more at ease, but still he talked and moved quickly. He sat down by Liornung and pulled the loaf apart with his hands, passing the larger half to his friend while he said to Aylwen, “You know, it’s a shame that…all those who wish to come to the contest are not able. Surely you can spare some help from the kitchen today and let the interested parties come and here me sing?” He cut a huge wedge of cheese and passed that to the minstrel. “Did I not hear your niece saying, my friend, how much she would enjoy listening to the bards? We should try to convince Aylwen to spare her at least!” Quickly, he buried his face in his tankard and guzzled the water, trying to cool his fierce mood.
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