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Old 05-06-2004, 07:26 AM   #4
Hot, crispy nice hobbit
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Troll's larder
Posts: 195
Hot, crispy nice hobbit has just left Hobbiton.
This begs the question which I have asked one month ago: would a Silmarili/Galadriel's phial turn the Trolls' clothes to stone as well? The answer to that unfortunate question was that "Magic is Intelligent" which did not satisfy me at all... So Magic is intelligent enough to differentiate between the Sun's ray and the Silmarili?

But jokes aside, not all evil stuff are subdued by the Silmaril: a wolf can swallow a Silmarili and still be strong enough to kill a Maia (Huan). Besides, Morgoth wore those shiny stones on his head for an entire age! Does that mean that all his trolls are rendered immobile when he walk through Angband?

That might explain why there is no Olog-hai in the First Age! Professor Morgoth, being too vain to take off his Iron Crown, failed again and again from producing improved versions of his original work of art!

"Hide! Da boss 's coming!" - one troll to another.
'He wouldn't make above a mouthful,' said William, who had already had a fine supper, 'not when he was skinned and boned.'
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