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Old 04-05-2004, 11:19 AM   #4
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Eruantalon's post

The hills gave way to Erebor under the lonely mountain. Seeing this sight again made Erulon's breath leave him. The mountain's beauty only grew with each day. Now he looked on it with older eyes - yet its roots grew stronger and its people greater. Life was good here in the dwarven kingdom. And his old friend would be meeting him soon for new adventures. As always, with the race of Aule, it was again about finding treasures. Yet this was no dark task. The promise of a good journey with old friends was high.

Now, to make sure his kind friend didn’t get in any harms way while on this journey. The promise of riches so great can often make one stray. But he knew the hearts of these people that they where not as subtle as many in middle earth. A kind and good race lived here under the mountain. They knew the value of what hard work can give one. And yet the grievances that can some times follow them.

Coming to the great gate he hailed the guards. They waved back with smiles and greeted him warmly, remembering the man from a great battle several years earlier. "Erulon you have come! Going off on the journey from what we hear. Make your way in now. You Your friend is with his father in the Great Hall.”

Making his way down into the city he caught many familiar faces. One who was vary familiar, and he crept up behind the dwarf while his back was turned. The man though tall could walk very quietly.

"Durin! You’re here! I see you're not off on this journey yet.”

“Ahh, good friend, what are you doing here? Bali just sent word out a few days ago! Good to see you here, though. We are making our way off tomorrow. Ready yourself, Erulon and prepare for a grand journey!”

“Indeed, my old friend! We’ll have enough time to talk. I see you have many things to take care of for now. We’ll be drinking good ale by a fire side soon!”

Few of the errands made for riches ended well. On the last journey there were many unforeseen dangers that almost killed him and the whole company. Hopefully, this journey with Bali would turn out better. “Always stay on guard,” he muttered to himself. Life in Erebor was fair, but the wilds of a far off land where ominous to say the least.

Bali was shocked that Erulon had arrived so early. They sat long into the night around the fire, discussing the journey that would occur in the morning. The dwarf confided of his worries with the man, explaining that they were leaving more on impulse than knowledge.

"Well, what does it matter, anyway?" replied the man. "We are exploring a new land, not going on a mining expedition. Any information we bring back will be valuable."

Later, Erulon made his way up to his room, aided by Kalin. He found a splendid array of food ready for him. The night was coming on fast and he would need to rest. Laying his arms up to the side of the bed he got comfortable in his room.

Just then a knock at the door came. Kalin’s face was light by a candle. “One more thing Erulon. The master has bid you to take a horse. He’s found one that you could use and thinks it best. You cannot ride on our animals since you’re too large. Would you come pick one early tomorrow?”

“Tell the Lord I appreciate his kindness and thank him. I will make my way down early in the morning and be there ready and saddled.” Nodding his head Kalin shut the door for the night then opened back up swiftly. “Ahh yes, did you need anything else my friend?”

“Just good nights sleep and the assurance of a ready breakfast tomorrow. Bread will be fine with milk if you can?”

“Very good! And good night.”
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