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Old 03-29-2004, 10:13 PM   #132
Tears of the Phoenix
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Imladris has just left Hobbiton.

Oranor, 2989

What a beastly time we’re having, to put it lightly. Lost in murky Mirkwood, an elf at our heals who could lead us straight except that Balin is too proud to ask for directions. So we’re just sitting here…waiting…waiting for Balin to think up some clever plan…waiting…waiting…for the spiders to smell our tender flesh. I hope that some sense at least will find its way into Balin’s mind. I know that I should not speak of this in the journal (thank Eru that most dwarves cannot read the elvish hand), but I don’t think it was wise venturing into Mirkwood. One would have thought that he would have learned from past experiences…

Oranor, 2989 -- Later

Of all the blasted things I’ve heard this week -- nay this day, I swear that this is the worst of them all. Balin has decided to let three dwarves “scout” Mirkwood as if this dratted forest is scout-able. They’ll more than likely run into a spider’s web or loose themselves and die of starvation under the trees -- but that would never happen because some monstrous creature will nab them first.

Orithil, 2989

I’m still trying to decide whether I should scold Balin or celebrate. The three dwarves did scout and yes they did get captured. But they weren’t rescued by us, but by Lînsie and her elf customer. Now there is a dwarf that has some sense. He’s not looking for arguments but is anxious to keep the peace -- even though her reason is strictly business. If it hadn’t been for them, they’d be being digested in a spawn of Ungolient’s stomach right about now. Balin, for honor’s duty, refused to ask the elf for directions. At least he managed a stiff sort of thank you, but still…

Orbelain, 2989

It’s been a bit odd…strange, ghostly voices have been echoing around us, or shouting insults at us depending on its mood. I don’t know why I think this, but I suspect that the elf has something to do with it. Balin probably knows this as well, which is why he is following the voice.

Orgilion, 2989

We made it out of Mirkwood…finally. Sent the raven to King Dain to tell him the news.

Oranor, 2989

It rained today, making our cram somewhat soggy and thus more chewable…but it was as if we were eating paste, which is still better than starving. Loni and Frar went hunting and managed to catch a relatively plump hare which did brighten up the dank evening. Nali sung songs about the fire. I am concerned about Nali -- he seems so strange at times. Sometimes a strange light comes into his eyes…once he seemed to totter back towards Erebor, but, with great force of will, he came back to us. I do not doubt his bravery as he was highly spoken of back in the Lonely Mountain.

[a period of about a month was soiled by the rain]

Ormenel, 2989

We are finally here. A dead silence hangs in the air and Nali and Floi reported signs of orcs near the Great Gates. We plan to enter them by dawn. Broad steps, carved from the mountain’s rock, leads up to the gate. They are crumbling from age and weather and harmful insects…I fear that Khazad-dum has already crumbled beyond repair.

Last edited by Imladris; 03-30-2004 at 08:42 AM.
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