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Old 04-19-2002, 05:07 PM   #9
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I started writing "Quest in the Blue" before I read "Harry Potter" and Tolkien, yet had renewed inspiration after these.

It takes place in the Blue, a magical, terrible and beautiful world surrounded by the hapless Grey. Edensbale, a land in the Blue-south, is what I'm writing about right now, yet I might move about in the future. Edensbale in its beginning was a Land of Light and of Whole-power (neither good or bad). It appeared as its creators painted it upon the "First Map" and claimed it for their own; yet when their realm dissolved Edensbale was reflected into the deathly Sea of Glass and Elabsnede, the wickedness of shadows in the East, was created. Two children, Audrie Gallan and Alender Esbar, offspring of the Men in Sparklen, one a peasant's daughter, the other the Sparklen-master's son, must gather the pieces of the Map and use it for the wise Whole-power before their Edensbale is destroyed. Yet those who etched it into the Lost time of the Blue (Gremble, Traub and Ede) seek the broken pieces as well, but they desire them for the other's destruction, for they are sworn enemies. Audrie and Alender go on their quest with a piece each of the Sparklen-Map that Traub lost when attempting to slay them, which puts their life in danger, for each piece is precious and the only way to attain it is to kill he or she who holds it. They acquire some companions...Lemkil, of the Sweet-Folk in Cider Oaks and a cousin of Alender's. He is of clever, mischievous people who lived in eternal fairy-like childhood, and is of great use for his knowledge of tools and weapons and such. They speak Sweetlan. Excerpts:

Nislin: mother
Lintirn: starlight
Notra ta concerto pir notra ta concerto: nothing is for certain except that nothing is for certain (one of their favorite phrases).

Another of their companions is Milen, a fair White-fire bearer of the Forest of Jade, where Ede is queen. Her power lies in the Whole-power itself, for from her hands pale flame turns those wicked and good into servers of the wisest and most peaceful.

Lastly, Bae, a mysterious dark boy from the East who turns out to be Traub and Ede's son and the last of their children who was not slain to attain the Map-pieces they held. He joins the quest with closed identity, yet they discover him in soon time, for they are sent to find him in the first place, as he holds the third of the Map-pieces they might acquire for the White-power.

There are other folk and places and languages and so so so much more but it all gets a bit complicated you see [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]