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Old 03-06-2004, 12:37 PM   #273
Ubiquitous Urulóki
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Ok, I posted. Idruil's conversating with Maen. Now to try my typing hand at this thing...

-Who are your character's friends?
Well, he has some buddies from the war who he's known, but many if them are either dead or abroad. Most of his friends are seafarers in Pelargir.

-How close is your character to his/her friends?
Not very. They are comrades rather than close personal friends. They talk and drink and sing, but they are not a close-knit bunch.

-Is she/he protecting someone?
Nope, no one at all. Even though Idruil tries to be nice, he is a pretty selfish person.

-Who was her/his first love?
Well, he fell for one of Lady Undomiel's ladies-in-waiting once, but quickly got over that, realizing it was a stupid boyish fancy. Idruil doesn't let his heart get bounced around a lot.

-Who does she/he work with?
He's been on many missions as a mercenary and has taken multiple jobs from certain people who constantly hire him. He completed three jobs with the help of a young man named Alwin, but doesn't work with him on a constant basis.

-Who is her/his best friend?
An old warrior named Oscric who always told him stories. Osric was slain at the Battle of Pelennor Fields, alongside Idruil's father.

-Who is his/her worst enemy?
Doesn't have one. There's no one he hates above all others.

-Who is his/her confidante?
No one. Idruil doesn't really confide in anyone but himself.

-Is he/she a disappointment to anyone?
Well, his father was dissapointed in him for not joining the immediate front forces of Minas Tirith, but he's no longer around to be dissapointed.

• What about family? Does she/he get along with them? Does she/he ignore them? Is it a small family, or an extended family with lots of cousins and aunts and uncles? Is it a close family, or do they only see each other at the holidays? Are any of them not on speaking terms with each other?
They're all dead, but he got along with them generally. His father was a pain sometimes, but he loved his mother, aunt, and uncle, all of which are now deceased.

• Are there any "family secrets?"
No. All his families secrets were out in the open. Only Idruil himself keeps secrets.

• Who is his/her favorite relative?
His mother (a boy's best friend is his mother).

• Who is his/her least favorite relative?
Actually, his father, though he still loved him.

• Does he/she have any children?
No, not even married.

• Where does he/she feel safe? Why?
Anywhere. He goes so many places he can easily adjust. He does feel safest on the streets of Minas Tirith, though. He's been there the most and it feels the most comfortable.

• What sort of place spooks him/her? Why?
Really, nothing. No place. He's been to many of the spooky places within a 1000 mile radius of Minas Tirith.

• Is there any place that he/she refuses to go? Why? What happened there?
Once again, no. He'll go anywhere for money and adventure.

• What did your character want to be when he/she grew up?
[/i]He wanted to be a ferocious and glorious warrior, praised throughout Middle-Earth. Sadly, that didn't quite work out. It was naive enough, so Idruil just took Choice #2.[/i]

• What nightmares does he/she have?
Generic nightmares about death and how pointless his life is. He's plagued by the fact that he hasn't really accomplished anything worthwhile.

• What makes him/her cry?
Hmm...he hasn't really cried in countless years...I guess it would have to be the thought of dying a pointless death and leading a meaningless life behind him.

• What makes him/her laugh?
Irony, often cruel, sardonic irony. He has, otherwise, a lousy sense of humor, though he is pretty likable.

• What does he/she wish they could do that they can't?
Slay a mighty dragon, go down fighting vast armies of orcs, hurtle into a bottomless pit swinging from the whip of a Balrog.

• What is their secret dream? What one goal, ambition, or desire do they keep hidden from everyone? Is it small or large? Personal or global? Realistic or unrealistic? Is she actually trying to accomplish it (and how?), or do they consider it untenable?
His dream isn't really a secret. He wants to die an adventurer, still brimming with all the glory he used to possess.

• What is their worst fear? What terrifies them? What do they dread? Is it something terribly personal, or a generic phobia? How did they acquire this fear? Are they ashamed of it?
As said before, he has fears of living a long and pointless life without meaning. The fear was brought on by his father's encouragement to do something worthwhile with his talents.

• If he could be any famous person, who would it be and why?
He wouldn't be able to chose. Idruil, having extensive knowledge of most famous people, would probably want to be some hero with a lot of glorious adventures to go on.

• Where does your character live?
He's lived in Pelargir, Linhir, Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, and is currently living in the good ol' White City of Gondor.

• Do they get sick? How often? What do they tend to come down with, and how do they handle it?
Nope, barely ever gets sick. He's built up lots of healthy immunities spending so much time in the wild. He's had his share of diseases, but not many that keep him bed-ridden.

• What is your character like when they are drunk? Mellow? Melancholy? Friendly and fun? Laughs too much? Hits on everyone?
He's pretty boisterous when drunk, though he can certainly hold his ale. He doesn't hit on anyone, but he is a bit flirtatious when provoked.

• What is she like when they are grieving/mourning? Are they private with their grief? Quiet and stony? Crying loudly? In need of friends?
Idruil is private with his grief, though he rarely grieves for anyone. He is often secretive and quiet about sadness.

• What are they like when they are moody or despondent? Are they self-pitying, irritable, sad?
When Idruil is moody he just gets irritable and reclusive, not wanting to be talked to and lashing out at anyone who tries to help him.

• What is he/she like when they are celebrating celebrating? Do they have a quiet celebration at home, or do they gather their friends together for a big bash?
Quiet reception at home...unless he's drunk.

Oooh...carpal tunnel...ouch...
"What mortal feels not awe/Nor trembles at our name,
Hearing our fate-appointed power sublime/Fixed by the eternal law.
For old our office, and our fame,"

-Aeschylus, Song of the Furies
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