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Old 03-05-2004, 07:43 AM   #90
Fordim Hedgethistle
Gibbering Gibbet
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Fordim Hedgethistle has been trapped in the Barrow!
The truth was out at last. Snaveling stood silent as Roa accused him of leaving her to burn, for there was nothing he could say. As the story came out, unopposed by the silent gray Man who now stood apart somewhat from the strange company that had before enclosed and comforted him, the air of the yard began to change. Val’s eyes were once more filled with the hatred and disgust that he had felt for Snaveling upon their first meeting; even Toby turned a glance to Snaveling that was bitter and chill. The hobbit did not need to ask the Man if the accusations were true, for it was Roa who was accusing, and Snaveling who was accused. Only Galadel appeared unsurprised, but her look was one of sadness and, Snaveling feared, disappointment.

When Roa concluded by releasing Snaveling from his bond, he felt no joy and no comfort. Wordlessly, he turned his back upon his companions and walked back to the stables to collect his meager belongings. As he dragged his feet across the ground of the yard, he could feel the eyes of the curious following him as he went. He clutched the small iron amulet that hung about his neck and disappeared into the darkness of the stables.

It did not take him long to gather up his few meager possessions and put them into his ragged pockets. He took his travel-stained cloak from the nail where it had hung these past two weeks and threw it about his shoulders. He turned and faced out the door of the stable into the blazing sun. He did not move – for he did not know where he was going.

He paused. It seemed to him that he should know where to go. At least, he felt that he should know what he was seeking, but even the memory of the hunting lodge that had been his dream was now gone, leaving only a chill and barren space in his spirit. Melancholy came over him like a suffocating blanket and his vision went dark. His shoulders slumped in defeat and, for a moment, he gave way to the uttermost despair. It was perhaps the darkest moment of his life, and it almost overwhelmed his spirit completely. But he had not walked in the wild places of the world all those empty years without learning how to combat the grim defeat of the lonely man. He shook his shoulders and straightened his back. He forced himself to step out the stables and into the yard once more.

Before him lay the road that led away from the Inn and to all the lands beyond. Looking neither right nor left, he began to walk…

Last edited by Fordim Hedgethistle; 03-05-2004 at 07:47 AM.
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