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Old 08-31-2001, 04:44 AM   #19
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<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
Posts: 1
<img src="" align=absmiddle> The Gandalf Theory

This is my theory, such a grand theory, lol. Anyway, Robert Gardner said something about Olorin being the last picked of the Maiar to go, but he was third (just wanted to clear that up) but he didn't think himself fit for the job, but Manwe insisted. I don't believe the Balrog was sent by the Valar, how could they? By definition, a Balrog is a Maiar that follows Melkor, why would they obey Melkor's enemies? But I believe Manwe sent Gandalf back in a more spiritual body (since he was the only one loyal to the mission, and he showed that loyalty when dying for it), which would make him more powerful, and that's why he wasn't much of a burden for the eagle to carry him. But Gandalf has always been more powerful than Saruman I believe, it is evident in the unfinished tales it is so. The following was taken out of the Unfinished Tales 'Then Manwë said that that was all the more reason why he should go, and that he commanded Olórin (illegible words follow that seems to contain word &quot;third&quot. And at that Varda looked up and said &quot;But not as third&quot;, and Curumo remembered it'. 'Saruman soon became jealous of Gandalf, and this rivalry turned at last to a hatred, the deeper for being concealed, and the more bitter in that Saruman knew in his heart that the Grey Wanderer had the greater strength, and the greater influence upon the dwellers in Middle-earth, even though he hid his power and desired neither fear nor reverence'. It looks like both of these are saying that Gandalf was the more powerful (And he was wisest of all the Maiar, this was stated in the Silmarillion). Oh yeah, and I think Sauron and Gandalf are equally as powerful, because in the unfinished tales, it says this.... 'For they must be mighty, peers of Sauron, but must forgo might, and clothe themselves in flesh so as to treat on equality and win the trust of Elves and Men'. What do you guys think of it? (I'm a newbie, just finished the books yesterday, lol)

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