Thread: Hunted RPG
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Old 02-16-2004, 04:02 PM   #46
ElenCala Isil
Shade of Carn Dûm
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When it seemed the party was coming to an end, Ivy decided she had best go home and get as decent of a rest as she would be able to before the journey. She quickly said her goodbyes, and slipped out quietly into the cold. This time, as Ivy walked to her hole, she managed to resist the temptation of going to the river once more. Not this time... just leave me in peace for a night. she said to her feelings, and trudged on home.

As soon as she had arrived at her home, she lit the fire, and climbed into her bed, not wanting to think of anything else that night until the morning's light. She tossed and turned uneasily in her bed, trying to make herself fall asleep, but only suceeded in lying awake listening to the crackling sound of the fire as it died down. She sighed, and tried to close all thoughts from her mind, to be as careless as she generally was, and it seemed for a moment that she had reached that point. And at this moment, Ivy drifted off into slumber haunted by horrible dreams.

The warg closed in on Ivy, who yelped and tried to move. She was surrounded. Everywhere around her were the lifeless bodies of her companions. Surely she was not the only one left alive?

'Melody!' she cried out, hoping that her best friend had not perished with the others. A muffled cry came out as if in attempted reply, and Ivy was certain it was Melody. She was alive yet!

'Melody! Run!!' Ivy found herself yelling, but was met with the sound of a blood-curdling scream, and sobbing. Ivy heard Melody sobbing over Tom's broken body, and soon Ivy heard the sound she dreaded most. Vicious snarling and then utter silence. She peered out from behind the tree which was her only protection, and saw that Melody was lying on the ground, wounded, or even worse, dead.

Without thinking, Ivy ran out into the open towards Melody, and began dragging her to safety, but the warg jumped in front of her. Snarling, it opened it's foul mouth and lunged towards her...

Startled Ivy awoke, gasping for breath as if she had been held under water for quite some time. She looked out her window to see the sun climbing in the sky.

'Oh no! I'm late!' Ivy shouted as she quickly got out of bed and got dressed. She didn't bother with breakfast that morning, but simply grabbed her coat, and her pack to take on the journey and ran all the way to Tom's house.

She knocked the door lightly, and was answered by Tom, who was a bit startled to see her out of breath, and bade her come inside. 'I'm sorry, Tom. I had a horrible dream and - well, that's not important. Are the others here?' she ranted as she saw a few of the others already there, looking anxious for the rest to come.

Ivy sunk into a chair and looked around at the others. At last it seemed her sense of adventure came about her, and a smile spread across her face. At last! I'm going on a real adventure! She found it next to impossible to contain her excitement.
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