Thread: Swan Wood - RPG
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Old 02-15-2004, 06:19 PM   #223
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: I be one of those hick Utahns.
Posts: 180
Kryssal has just left Hobbiton.

Leena and her footmen had waited long enough. She had heard a cry coming from Laurel's direction and knew the fight was on. Surging forward she threw several darts at her nearest opponents before unsheathing her sword. The Gondorian soldiers swept around her and started engaging with cries of their own.

The priestess seemed to loose herself in the battle, almost a beserker. Her armor protected her from most of the small wounds, but a few heavier ones got through, including a slash that managed to swipe across her forhead. She had been lunging backwards to avoid the blow so it was shallow except at the very end, but the blood seemed to keep flowing down her face. Wiping furiously at her forehead she kept fighting and moving forward.


A flaming arrow seared across the sky and before any of the wild men could understand what it meant the groups were upon them.

Gorath was firing, never missing. Galain kept one eye on Jesslyn while making his own marks. Wild men were falling down to struggle or lie still and yet they kept coming.


As soon as Lanaey's eyes saw the first spark of the arrow she gave a sharp cry and sent her horsemen into the grounds. Being on Drass gave her a definite advantage over the ground ridden wild men. The horses laid waste to the men at first, but as they went further into the camp the lines began to spread. She and Annanoldowen were quickly separated, but Lanaey couldn't dwell on this.

Lanaey found herself surrounded by four wildmen. She grabbed a dagger and threw it at the one to her right, but with a deft twist he avoided it completely. The two on her left charged and she struck down at them, trying to take them out quickly. The bigger of the two grabbed her arm as the other clanged blade to blade with her. Drass reared and the wild man lost his hold. Drass slashed her forelegs at the man in front of her and knocked his head. He fell immediately to the ground. The bigger man quickly snatched the blade from the smaller man next to him and thrust it into her still rearing horse. Drass gave a terrible cry and fell to the side, pinning Lanaey's already injured leg.

The Elf had tried to brace herself for the fall, but she was at the mercy of her dying friend. Her head knocked against the ground and she struggled to regain her vision, fearing the wild men would kill her in her haze for she had lost her sword in the fall and unless she could get another weapon out quickly she was helpless. Lanaey shook her head vigorously, surprised she wasn't dead yet for her vision wasn't coming back quickly. Someone grabbed her shoulders and hauled her out from Drass and steadied her head. When she could see again she saw it was Gellick and that he had taken out her assailants. He grinned down at her and helped her to stand.

"Want to ride double?" the battle was not immediately around them and they had time to consider options.

Lanaey shook her head, "I'll take them on from down here. Thank you."

He nodded, remounted and they set off toward the nearest wild men.

Last edited by Kryssal; 02-17-2004 at 12:39 AM.
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