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Old 12-22-2003, 10:22 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Sting Could (Should) the Simarillion become a film?

I have decided to introduce this topic so I might gather some ideas for a friend of mine.<BR>He has been directing movies for a long time, but just recently he has become aquainted with the Lord of the Rings movies. He loves them and but he says when they're over he won't be very happy. So the last came into theatres last Wednesday and he's already seen it THREE TIMES! He says he wants to see the Simarillion on film yet no wants to support his idea. I asked him how; the Simarillion is like 50 different stories into one book, a film does need a main character you know.<BR> Just this morning I was thinking about his idea when I thought, who do you read about throughout the Simarillion and then notice in The Lord of the Rings? I've got it!<BR>Galadriel! You may think me crazy but a whole year of brainstorming and then a sudden burst of ideas, I can hardly stand being so enthusiastic about it! Okay, so in the beginning, if you've ever read the book, Galadriel comes in as an elven child, but as the history goes on of Beleriand and Middle-Earth she grows up and is right backstage to every story!<BR> "Now, there are three things you MUST have in a movie," said my friend,"A main character, a plot, and conflicts."<BR>We have the main character, we now need a plot. The plot is probably the easiest to find; the Noldar elves must win back the love of the Valar and move back to Valinor, their old home. Okay, but what is a conflict? <BR>"A conflict is the problem that is preventing the main character from doing something, or making something hard for a character to do," he said."It can be an internal or external conflict. A good movie with emotion has an main internal conflict within the main character; the way the character responds to it shows their true personality. A good movie also has a main force that opposes the character or characters in a physical and more obvious may creating a main external conflict. Other minor external conflicts should show up to keep the movie action filled and keeping the viewer interested."<BR>--------------------------------------------<BR>So it's your turn now. Comment on our idea, state some ideas (i need as many ideas as you can give me). If you don't like what we have so far, say it! I want this to be what the people love, not what amuses the actors or the judges. Do you even think there should be the Simarillion on film? <BR> UNDER ALL CAUSES PLEASE BE PATIENT. Things like this take months, and even years sometimes just to brainstorm and know exactly what to do (or if your even going to do it). <BR>--------------------------------------------<BR>I will determine if to post my email address or not later, depending on how people comment on the topic.<P>HAVE FUN!
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