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Old 10-07-2003, 11:26 AM   #88
The Saucepan Man
Corpus Cacophonous
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The Saucepan Man has been trapped in the Barrow!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> what does your heart tell you <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Actually that, or more particularly Gandalf's tender expression in response, is one of the high spots for me.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> not taken from tolkien's text <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>If that puts you off a scene, there can't be much in these films that you like. <P>As for Elrond, I like the look of the scenes in RotK involving him. While I take HC's point about him (quite understandably) not wanting to be separated from his daughter, I thought that he was nevertheless portrayed as unnecessarily grouchy in TTT: selfish and overbearing with Arwen and only grudgingly offering assistance to the cause (and to Aragorn's cause). It looks to me like he will be somewhat redeemed in RotK (in his actions if not in his sulky expression ).<P>And surely we can't begrudge Arwen a few scenes in this film at least, given that her marriage will be one of the final big scenes. Just be thankful that it seems to be pretty clear now that she won't be accompanying Aragorn on the Paths of the Dead or turning up at the Pelennor or the Black Gate.
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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