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Old 10-08-2003, 04:10 AM   #39
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: England
Posts: 179
Eurytus has just left Hobbiton.

I have found this to be an interesting thread and I totally agree with those who said that the scouring of the Shire should be left out. Whilst it works in the book it would not do so in the films. As someone already said, after Mount Doom audiences are already thinking about the end of the film and they would not accept another chapter added to the end. To use another series of films to illustrate this (and one that almost everybody will have seen) take the original Star Wars trilogy. Would the audience have accepted a subplot after the fall of the Empire wherein Luke returned to Tatooine and rebuilt Uncle Owens farm? I do not believe they would. In the book the Scouring is important to show the growth of the Hobbits and that no war is without loss but I think PJ will have ample opportunity to show both these aspects in other ways.<BR>As to growth, I think that Frodo & Sam completing the quest, Merry assisting in killing the Witchking and Pippen helping to save Faramir and stabbing the Troll will demonstrate growth enough. And for the loss, well you will have Sam’s distress at Frodo’s leaving Middle Earth. That will be emotional enough. Added to that PJ has been building up the fact that the Elves are leaving Middle Earth never to return, that could have a big pay off. And you could have Arwen’s final goodbye to her father, separated for all eternity. I think the twin themes of growth and loss can be handled without the scouring and this method will suit the medium of film better than keeping the scouring would.
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