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Old 09-10-2003, 10:36 PM   #61
Candle of the Marshes
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Flyover Country
Posts: 780
Kalimac has just left Hobbiton.

I agree with Lush (there's a shock for you ). Putting in a sex scene is about as likely as...well, think of anything that's really, really unlikely. Some movies work well with sex scenes, but this wouldn't be one of them - it just would have nothing to do with the point.<P>One thing I'd like to add about Rolling Stone - no, they're not exactly the most sober, factual source in the world, but in this case they may technically be right. No, I don't mean that we'll get the hidden-camera view of Aragorn and Arwen (or, worse, Eowyn). When they say "The sex is hotter" by using the comparative they're saying "hotter than in the first two movies." All the first two movies had were a few kisses and an embrace or two. We have to assume that this is what they mean when they loosely use the word "sex" to refer to those films; there sure isn't anything else that qualifies as even remotely sexual activity, unless you want to count the hobbits dancing in FOTR. So presumably, it just means we're going to get a bigger helping of what we've already seen glimpses of - that is, we might see Aragorn and Arwen kiss each other MORE THAN ONCE!!! (shock, amazement) and probably embrace at least once, at their wedding if nowhere else. And remember there's the as-yet-unrealized Eowyn/Faramir romance - they can't let those two go without a few pecks. And don't forget Sam and Rosie at the end.<P>All that PJ has to do to treble or quadruple the romance quotient is just have the couples actually be within shouting distance of each other. And that happens a lot more in ROTK than in either of the other books.
Father, dear Father, if you see fit, We'll send my love to college for one year yet
Tie blue ribbons all about his head, To let the ladies know that he's married.
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