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Old 08-30-2003, 02:22 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Question NO! Take us South!

After the Entmoot and the Ents decide not to go to war(which I didn't like, it changes the people's view of the charecter, just like making Faramir take them out of the way, but ah well) But anyways after the Entmoot and they choose not to go to war, Fangorn says "I will take you to the western edge of the forest and from there you can go north to your homeland."<P>Isn't Fangorn Forest's western edge against the Misty Mountains? They still would have to go south, then west through the gap of rohan and still go past Saruman? Just thinking this as I watch my personal copy of TTT for the second time.....<P>Oh and one more note, didn't it seem that the elves died a little easy? Aren't they supposed to be like the most elite and best fighters? It's not like they were out of practice, I'm sure they were quite busy defending Lorien...Maybe I shoulda made two posts...Ah well
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