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Old 08-26-2003, 12:11 PM   #17
Posts: n/a

Tolkien did originally have Eowyn paired with Aragorn, but when he wrote that plan, Eowyn was a different character (same name, different situations, and possibly a change in personality). In that plan she stayed in Edoras, waiting for him to become King.<P>Then, all of a sudden, Faramir came into his head and wouldn't leave. After a while, he figured that Aragorn/Eowyn wouldn't work. As it doesn't fit the whole 'fairy-tale' type scenario. So, he created Finduilas. Later, he changed the name Finduilas and turned it into Arwen, and gave the name Finduilas to the mother of Boromir and Faramir. <P>In the end he probably altered Eowyn's character a bit so that she and Faramir would make a good couple. Besides, Faramir was the character that he claimed was most like him, and closest to his heart. Some people think he's a back-door way to explain Aragorn. <P>All in all, yeah, they have to explain Faramir's actions in TTT (which I believe is due to the lies of Frodo and Sam, anyways), or else I'm coming to PJ with mallets and more mallets, maybe a large pot of boiling or ten. And the Aragorn/Arwen/Eowyn thing was done too much, he has to resolve that. And the way is most likely through Faramir.
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