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Old 11-04-2002, 06:33 AM   #11
Rose Cotton
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

Okay. This is exactly what I've been waiting for. I think that now we know the order of the songs we should be able to plot out what order the movie will be in. Some of the names of the tracks I can't figure out so please help me fill in the blanks in the list:<P>1. Foundations Of Stone- I'm thinking that the "foundations of stone" refer to those rocky hills Frodo and Sam had to climb through. I can't remember their name right now. This suggests that we start the movie with Frodo and Sam at this point.<P>2. The Taming Of Sméagol- This, I would think, will be the music for the Taming of Smeagol. So apparently this is the next scene.<BR>3. The Riders Of Rohan- At this point I'm guessing PJ switches us over to Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli when the meet the Riders of Rohan.<P>4. The Passage Of The Marshes- back over to Frodo, Sam, and a newly aquired pet Gollum. j/k. Gollum's not a pet.<P>5. The Uruk-hai- By now everyone in the theater will want to know what's happening to Merry and Pippin so here is where PJ seems to have put their first scene.<P>6. The King Of The Golden Hall-Um...Back to Aragorn Legolas and Gimli. I guess they find Gandalf then go to see Theoden.<P>7. The Black Gate Is Closed- Once again, back to Frodo, Sam, and Gollum.<BR>8. Evenstar (featuring Isabel Bayrakdarian)- The only Evenstar I know of in this tale besides the one in the sky is Arwen so I think that this is where all that extra stuff with Arwen and Elrond will go here.<P>9. The White Rider- This title confuses me. Because the chapter the White Rider should have been earlier. So my theory is either the title is just to confuse us, this song is in the wrong place, this has nothing to do with the chapter it seems it does, or PJ has switched some things around.<P>10. Treebeard- Over to Merry and Pippin. We finnaly get to see Treebeard.<P>11. The Leave Taking- I have no idea what will go here.<P>12. Helm's Deep- I would guess this is the famed battle of Helm's Deep.<P>13. The Forbidden Pool- After a tence battle we go back to Sam and Frodo. I think they might have met Faramir during "the black gates are closed" so this might take place right at Faramir's hidout.<P>14. Breath Of Life (featuring Sheila Chandra)- I agree that this is probably a Eowyn song. <BR>15. The Hornburg- I can't remember the Hornburg.<BR>16. Forth Eorlingas (featuring Ben Del Maestro)- I can't think of what this is either.<BR>17. Isengard Unleashed (featuring Elizabeth Fraser & Ben Del Maestro)- Somthing to do with Isengard.<P>18. Samwise The Brave- What does Samwise do that's so brave if Shelob is not until the next movie? My bro suggest that this theme and Gollum's song is played whenever it is appropriate.<P>19. Gollum's Song (performed by Emiliana Torrini)- Hm..will the song go somthing like: "OH WEEEEEEE WANT THE PREEEECIOUSSSSSS!" LOL! XD<P>I'm basing this on no facts. Just my oun guesses. <P>Anyone else have any ideas?
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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