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Old 07-30-2002, 10:33 PM   #99
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oh my god who ever started this post is so immature how can u compare 2 great storys ..its liek saying which would u have air or water u cant live without either but some ppl dont like harry potter b/c its about a lil boy look at frodo hes like smaller then harry and hes a lil wimp but i still like him and rowling plagerising ? cant 2 ppl have similar ideas and she didnot eve ncopy him theyre totally differnet if u dont like it then dont f***** read it but i think u really should since HP s very very good ....... and i loved LOtr but it was a bit boring and rowling writing style is way better but i respect and admire both writers instead of wasting ur time on something so stupid go read the book and find out 4 urself if its good or bad