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Old 02-26-2002, 05:22 PM   #1
Pile O'Bones
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Sting Dragons vs. Balrogs?

Which are actually the mightiest? For instance, if Gothmog would have challenged Glaurung in a duel back in the old days, who would have won? I can't remember I've read anywhere which are the most powerful. My call would be for the dragons though, since they seem to have a bit more intellectual skills than the balrogs. And why not, Glaurung could just fly up in the air and breath fire at Gothmog, but seriously, would that do any damage since balrogs are practically made of flames? If giving this a thought, you would maybe vote for Gothmog since he wouldn't have so hard hurting Glaurung, just a little slash with the wip and the sword, and he's out of the game? Glaurung would probably, if the flames don't work, have to attack with claws or bite Gothmog or something, and that probably wouldn't have been too successful since he would probably have burned himself (if dragons dont have some sort of natural resistance to fire too, even though they're scales alone are very protective). But, Glaurung is also a powerful spellcaster, for example he made Morwen forget all about her life with Húrin and the rest of her family and former life. So what do you think? Gothmog or Glaurung?
Just a thought: Why do people in movies etc. often run straight ahead when they're chased by a car for example. I know this has nothing to do with Tolkien, but it's an interesting thought.
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