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Old 10-20-2002, 06:58 PM   #301
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Where ever there's adventure
Posts: 16
Tharkūn has just left Hobbiton.


Garlin kneeled, hiding in the bushes, waiting for the signal from Ethar.

It had been two days since he and Ethar had found the bodies. Feeling that it was the fallen men's spiritual right, he had insisted that they make an impromptu burial for the bodies. The soldiers, of which there were eight bodies, were given graves entangled with an old tree's long roots. A natural coffin. The wild-looking men were thrown into a large pit, the way they probably would have been in their tribe. After that, Garlin and Ethar had continued with caution, even encouraging their mounts to tread softly (for an oliphant, anyway). About a day ago, they had found a path crudely cut into the forest. They had tied their oliphants to sturdy trees, and followed the path. They were now at the camp. There were, as both could see, two hostages tied to a stake in the ground in the middle of camp. There were five of the strange, wild-looking men; three were eating a roast hog, and two were standing guard on the path. These two made Garlin glad they had followed the path through the forest. Garlin circled 45° around the camp, and Ethar 45° the other way. The idea was a pincer attack on the camp, taking down maybe two in the confusion, rescuing the two captives in the middle, and taking the rest down with the captives' help...

A movement! An arrow shot into the air, away from the camp so the 'wild men' wouldn't notice. Quickly, he drew an arrow from the quiver, which he had moved to his belt for better riding, and placed it on his bow. Carefully drawing the string back, he mentally reminded himself, both eyes open, a lesson he learned while hunting for dinner. Taking careful aim, he let fly. The arrow landed with a meaty thunk in one of the diner?s eye. Hmm, four on four, not bad, he silently told himself, as he drew his sword, and charged into camp.

[ October 20, 2002: Message edited by: Tharkūn ]
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