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Old 04-14-2001, 12:57 PM   #56
Hobbitus Emeritus
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: South Farthing
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Gilthalion has just left Hobbiton.

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hobbitus Emeritus
Posts: 315
A Fair Morning

Rooms were found for those who wanted them and soon the locals made their way home and the hired help of the Prancing Pony set to work on cleaning the place, as was their nightly custom.

The three elves adjorned to Calamir's room and talked through the night by the fire laid for them, with a jug of wine and one of fresh water and a loaf of bread and a small cheese on the side table.

While the others slept, the elves discussed the wayward men, and their need for the gold of the dead. Calamir was fearful of the dread Barrow-Downs. Menel less so, but could not let his headstrong friend go into danger alone.

&quot;Besides,&quot; said he, &quot;if that Tom Ferny means well, I'm a hobbit! He says more than he really knows, and has something to hide besides.&quot;

In the end, it was the elven minstril who decided them. The letter from Mithrandir seemed written for such a day, and she had no fear of elvish wights and the spells they wove.

&quot;Aye, that is well for you,&quot; said Calamir, &quot;for you have lived long and are very wise and skilled. But the song of one can be drowned by the songs of many, if they rise in legion.&quot;

&quot;Calamir speaks truth,&quot; said Menel. &quot;I do not think we dare stay long.&quot;

The elves agreed to help their friends in their reckless endeavor, for they pitied the good Beornings and the hard times that had befallen them, and did not desire to see Talondin or Beregond fall into the power of the evil wights.

<center> ~~~</center>

Beneath the window, under the eaves, a small dark shape listened to all they said with keen ears. Not even the elves could hear this, so quietly did it move. After a time, their conversation turned to other matters beyond the understanding of the eavesdropper, who had heard more than was good for him in any case. Ever so quietly, Andy moved away, and scurried back home before his father noticed him missing. Not even the elves would know it, but a certain young hobbit boy had decided that he would follow the adventurers himself the very next day!

<center> ~~~</center>

The next morning gleamed brightly, as Autumn mornings often do. Tom Ferny had even shaved and wore a clean shirt and was waiting for them promptly with the rise of the sun. He had a pack horse laden with supplies and tools. Talondin and Beregond were ready, Caramir and Menel were joined by Galenwen, and Valdevar the Beorning was timely as well, though he yawned continually and so widely that one could see the back of his teeth.

As the cocks crowed in Bree, the party set out West, leading the Sun on their journey, hoping to make good time so that the next sunrise would find them entering the Downs.

No one noticed for quite some time, the small figure that cautiously and quietly followed.

</p>Edited by: <A HREF=>Gilthali on</A> at: 4/14/01 3:14:34 pm
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