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Old 04-14-2001, 06:50 AM   #51
Hobbitus Emeritus
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: South Farthing
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Gilthalion has just left Hobbiton.

<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hobbitus Emeritus
Posts: 314
A Message for Galenwen

At that moment, Barliman Butterbur bustled back into the Common Room, this time with a sealed note in his fat fingers.

&quot;Begging your pardon, Lady. But there's that much to do around here and it seems you lordly folk find me useful to be your private postmaster, too, on top of all else. But that's as may be and it's well I can provide the service, when I'm not too busy with other chores, and there are plenty of those. Will there be anything else just now?&quot; he finished breathlessly.

&quot;No, my good Barliman, I thank you,&quot; said the elven minstril. Turning to the hobbit lad, she said, &quot;I pray you let me read this letter, and then I'll have a story for you.&quot;

Young Andy was happy to wait and half hoped to find out what was in the letter. He would not find out (at least not right away), but his disappointment would be assauged by the minstril's tale.

The letter was from the grey wizard.


My dear Galenwen,

As usual, there is little time and I hope that we may have a merry meeting in the Golden Wood some time hence. You are aware of the growing Shadow, and of how all dark things in Middle-earth grow stronger and more wakeful with it. I need not tell you to be cautious. But I do.

I shall be gone from Eriador for some years most likely and I have sent such messages as I could contrive to those who travel through the land to be wary. It seems to my mind that the orcs and goblins of the Misty Mountains grow more numerous and the Road more difficult. Other things there are in the mountains who have been stirred to enmity for the traveler. Beware the Old Forest and the Downs, for ancient shades of malice are waking and will prey if they can upon greed or need.

<center> Treasures of old
of sword and gold
lie buried there.

Spells of shadow
'neath rolling meadow
fall to songs more fair.

Keep your counsel for those with ears to hear, and let the wicked step into their own snares. Often foolish choices create opportunity for unforseen good. As is the elven way, say neither yea nor nay, but look for ways to help those who think they need no help, for they usually need it most.

Your friend,

Mithrandir (Gandalf)

P.S. My heart tells me that you may trust your luck once, but not twice! G.

P.P.S. Highway robbers may be found on the low way as well! G.

P.P.P.S. Small frames may conceal great hearts! Have a care for those who dare! G.

Galenwen refolded the note and tucked in into a bag.

&quot;Well now, little fellow! Perhaps you would like to hear the Tale of the Sun and the Moon?&quot;

Andy, and indeed the rest of the Common Room (even the Dwarves), were quite ready to hear whatever the elven minstril would say or play.

Meanwhile, other elven ears also heard faintly through the oaken doors, Galenwen's fair voice lifted up in song, and were ready for the matter with Tom Ferny to be decided.

</p>Edited by: <A HREF=>Gilthali on</A> at: 4/14/01 2:27:07 pm
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