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Old 03-16-2003, 05:42 PM   #215
Visionary Spirit
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 633
Gandalf_theGrey has just left Hobbiton.

The journey of Merry and Rose from Frogmorton to Bywater in a pony cart went pleasantly enough. The cart gently jiggled and swayed to a music of clapping hoof, quivering bottle, and Merry's songs of sleepy Shire and robust Rohan. Merry, a congenial enough host even whilst away from hole and hearth, offered Rose along the way sweet strawberries nearly as big as her fist and still on the vine, and let Rose hold the reins to drive the cart.

The day would have been not only pleasant, but in fact perfect ... until Merry happened to think of the green leather-bound book he'd meant to show Pippin, The Tale of Years – Chronology of the Westlands. The book had been left behind in Buckland. No frown made it to Merry's face though. For Pip was certain to be just bursting with new tales at Bag End. That is, if he wasn't up to fresh mischief and creating such tales right on the spot at Bilbo and Frodo's dinner party!

As they came nearer The Green Dragon, Rose and Merry discussed the quaintness of there being a North Farthing Stone travelling marker separate from the Three Farthing Stone denoting West, South, and East, and whether you could truly claim to be in three places at once were you to stand at the top of the Three Farthing Stone.

At last the sportive sign of The Green Dragon came into view, though even before Merry could descry the sign, Cami had seen them coming and was standing out front cheerily waving them in.


Estella's eyes widened with surprised delight on seeing the powder-covered note sticking up out of the flour canister. So this is what the cryptic comments that Pio had relayed from Merry about how as his wife she should keep busy and be sure to do plenty of baking had been all about! Shaking out bits of flour and unfolding the paper, she smiled and read:

To My Dear Wife Estella, with all my love.

Without you, I am only grain
Awaiting life to share.
But o! How very much I gain
By the sweetness of your care!

Your vanilla kiss and gentle touch,
The fire in your smile glowing,
Your voice of water pure and clear,
All blend to overflowing!

You make our smial home, my love
With beauty in deed and way.
May our love never-ending be
The bread of every day.

-- Always yours,


[ March 19, 2003: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]
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