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Old 02-15-2003, 10:30 PM   #23
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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"You know, Frodo, I shall be quite content to see it again, just one more time, after all these years." Bilbo ran a hand through his mane of silver curls and contentedly nursed a pipe, as he recalled the night he had left the Shire over thirty years before. "And you?" he asked, gazing towards his nephew.

Frodo's response came with little hesitation. "The land, the fields, all my favorite hidden will be good to visit those again." Then he turned to Bilbo and laughed. "What a pair we make! Here we sit in the most beautiful place in all of Arda, talking about somewhere else that's very far away."

Bilbo smiled, "No, there can't be more goodness or peace than what we have here." His eyes swept over the horizon, with the gentle dales and hills that could be seen from their doorstep, its mountains and ocean shores peeping out from behind. "Beautiful, yes, and pure. A fine place to go for a nice, long visit, but it still isn't home."

He settled back in the chair the younger hobbit had set out for him on their front stoop. The last few months had seen a gradual change in Bilbo's physical strength as the older hobbit found himself walking more slowly, and needing to lean against another's arm. Still, his mind was bright and clear, and that was all he could possibly want.

Frodo found himself speaking in an almost wistful tone. "For me, it's the friends we had. I keep remembering them. Merri and Pippin and Sam, especially Sam. I wonder how that will go." Frodo knew he'd changed in certain ways from his stay in the West. His Quenyan was fluent, and he was adept at osanwe. Yet there were also a few more grey hairs on his head. Even Tol Eressea couldn't change that. But he wouldn't be the only one who was different. Sam had probably changed too, in ways he couldn't even guess.

"I expect we'll find out soon, any day now." Bilbo took a puff on his pipe and continued. "It's strange. When I was younger, I was convinced that you and I would find time to travel and share some adventures outside the Shire. But I never dreamed we'd be sharing them here, in the West. And, now, we head out on another trip, the final one I think, or at least for me."

The two hobbits looked intently at each other. Then Bilbo leaned back, set down the pipe, and closed his eyes. There are certain things for which words are not needed. Frodo went inside and brought out a woolen blanket, tucking it about the older hobbit's lap to protect him from the cool night air. He sat down on the step nearby and leaned against Bilbo's knee, as a misty, silver curtain seemed to fall in place, bringing with it an abundance of dreams and hope.

Mithadan's Post:

Lorien stood above the slumbering Hobbits with Olorin and gazed down upon Frodo and Bilbo with a faint smile. Then he turned to his companion and spoke in the tongue of the Valar. "Art thou certain of this venture, Olorin?" he said. "It seems much to undertake for the benefit of a few of the Younger Children, even such honored ones as these."

"Certain?" replied the Maia. "Thou knowest that nought is certain beyond the Music of the Ainur and that the ways of Man twist and evade Fate at every turn. Yet it is right that we do this. These Perianath are deserving of some reward for their faithful services and this seems little enough. So too are Maura, Cami and those who labored with The Lonely Star deserving."

A wry grin appeared on Lorien's face. "Very well, then. But perhaps I should thank thee, for it has been ages since I have walked upon Middle Earth, save perhaps in thought."

Olorin looked uncomfortable. "Master Lorien, art thou certain that thou should accompany the Hobbits?" he said. Then he shifted his speech into Westron. "You are less familiar with the ways of Middle earth than I. And you must be placed in a physical body for that is our way; the powers no longer may walk the fields of the mortal lands without doing so. In taking the shape of a Man, you are subject to the hurts of the world. Moreover, you must conceal your identity to all but a few and speak their Common Tongue. Are you certain that you wish to do this?"

"Aye, Olorin," Lorien answered in Westron. "I am certain. And I will take care. I thank thee...thank you for your concern. And I believe that I shall enjoy this."

With that, Lorien raised his arms and shed the appearance of a body with which he clothed himself in Valinor. Unclothed, he shone brightly for a moment until a mist flowed about him. Then the light dimmed and he stood before Olorin, tall and shrouded in a grey cloak. His hair and beard were silver and his eyes blue as the sky. He looked down upon his body and smiled. "Hmmm. Interesting." Then he looked up at Olorin again. "Before we go, would you be so kind as to tell me about...pipeweed?"

[ February 18, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]

[ February 20, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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