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Old 07-16-2003, 09:44 AM   #345
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Vanataurien was little more than shocked at Soronume's story, but she attempted to remain impassive as he continued to speak. What else could she do? People had often confided in her because she would listen... but this was an incredible bit of knowledge.

She apologized, it had seemed the appropriate thing to do at the time, but Soronume voiced that she needn't be. She looked at him with shadowy eyes as he sunk back.

"I have lost someone close to me, as have you," she said finally. Her voice was soft, so as not to startle him. Soronume suddenly appeared to be listening and gave her a small nod to continue. "In my travels I met a man. He... Well, needless to say, I am an elf, he was a man. We fought side by side, and loved one another dearly, but he grew old as time went on, and he... well..." Her a ghostly tear trickled down her cheek. Soronume seemed saddened for her.

"He died." he stated, but not impassionately.

Vanataurien's eyes grew big. "Yes," she almost whispered, making her words difficult to hear. "Such is the burden of elvenhood. So I travelled, to be rid of my burdens, hoping to escape memories. That is truely how I came here." That seemed to end the topic, and Vanataurien finished her drink, leaving the both of them to think their seperate thoughts.

[ July 16, 2003: Message edited by: Vanataurien ]