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Old 05-07-2003, 04:51 PM   #494
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Location: In an endless sea of dreams!
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Nerindel has just left Hobbiton.
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"First floor, just a few doors along to the right when you get up there. If you don't intend to go up immediately, would you like something to drink, both you and your brother?"

"oh that would be lovely" she smiled "three mulled wines if you please, we will be joining a guest here named Fawain Isilmeleo" Aman pushes the drinks across the bar, Léspheria Thanked Aman and politely excused herself and headed over to where her brother and friend where seated.


Fawain had been staring into the fire, when suddenly she heard the unmistakably fair voice of her dear friend Lóthaniel. She jumped up from her seat,looking around and there he was almost right behind her, his shining face smiling at her. "Lóthaniel" she cried happily, almost crushing him as she grabbed him and hugged him tight, as she pulled away she looked around him frowning "No Léspheria? I thought you where joined at the hip" she jested with a mischevious smile on he face. "Don't worry she is here" he laughed, "she is getting us a room and hopefully something to drink".

Lóthaniel suddenly remembered why he was here. Sighing heavily he gently guided Fawain to a quiet table in the corner of the room.They sat down and Fawain looked at him wondering what was wrong. There was a moments silence which Fawain broke by asking softly "what is it Lóth" to which he replied "Do you remember us talking about a Ranger named Halwain" Fawain nodded remembering the name vaguely. Lóthaniel looked at her soft happy features that he loved so much and continued hesitantly "He is your Father". Fawain sat there frozen for a moment she couldn't believe what she was hearing, " he can't be, father is dead, how can this be" she stammered. Lothaniel put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her "There is more, he is being held by Skaikrish" At the Name of her mothers killer, a flash of anger crossed her face "how did this happen" she asked. " you must understand that your father loved your mother very much and when he heard of her death he set out to look for her killer, Hal has single handedly been responsable for the death of many of Skaikrish's orcs" he told her. Fawain looked slightly confused " so why does he not kill him " he said sensing the source of her confusion, she nodded confirming that that was exactly what she was thinking, "It's not Hal that he's after" he paused looking at her again "It's you".

"What!!! Why!!!" she cried, Lóthaniel sighed "it seems the orc you killed in the misty mountains, before we found you was Skaikrish's mate" Fawain thought on this for a while recounting that battle, suddenly she knew what she must do. She looked up at Lóthaniel amazingly calm considering all she had just learnt and said " We must help him, when do we leave" Lóthaniel smiled at her courage "we leave tomorrow at first light". Fawain smiled weakly "tell me more of my Father" she asked. Lóthaniel leaned back in his chair and took out his long white pipe and packed it with a sweet smelling weed and lit it up, taking a few puffs he answered "hmm, now where would you like me to start" he grinned.

just then Lésperia joined them placing down the three mulled wines she was carrying, "ah the pipe is out are we in for a long night of story telling then" she said smiling mischeviously. "Fawain wishes to know more of her father" He smiled back to her. Léspheria looks between the two, glad that things had seemed gone well, "Oh, well continue then brother" she laughed pushing the drinks to them.
"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live" ~ Mark Twain.
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