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Old 12-29-2002, 03:42 PM   #137
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.


I am compressing time to move the story along - please read my post in the discussion thread.

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Daisy’s party had been just what the companions needed. Their spirits had been lifted, and the week more spent at Whitfurrows had given their bodies the much needed chance to recover. Bullroarer flexed his shoulder, where he still wore the brace for his collarbone, noting that the pain had resolved to a small twinge when he did.

He was out in the stable seeing to the horses, and to the packing of their big wagon. His mind wandered over a mental map he had of the Great East Road and what lay ahead for them.

The hills of Tyrn Gorthad were very much on his mind as Bullroarer planned out the next leg of their journey. The Barrow Downs were there, where the Dúnedain lay resting beneath the now snow covered mounds. It would be a two day journey to pass the Old Forest and another two days from there to reach Bree.

He looked up at the threatening sky, thinking that these next days on the road would be cold ones. They could take cover in the Forest when they reached it, he thought. But from Buckland to the Prancing Pony was open country and the wind would hit them bitterly from the north.

Bushy brows drawn together in thought, he brought up images of fairer days when he and a few lads had traveled to Bree-land. ‘The Barrows!’ he thought, ‘If the weather proves too dire we can take shelter in them. The Men are long dead, and I cannot think they would mind us passing a night, safe from the storm.’

Having solved this small piece of the puzzle, he went to gather the Hobbits together to tell them to pack up, they would leave tomorrow.


Three days journey, and they had reached the eastern edge of the Downs. As he had feared, the storm had picked up in intensity, sending a thick blanket of snow to obscure their way, and the bitter wind pierced even the most tightly woven of cloaks. ‘We cannot camp out in this weather.’ he called loudly to Branda and the others as they gathered round him. ‘We shall all freeze to death.’ He pointed toward where the hills stood up from the snow, dotted with snow covered bumps themselves.

Turning south, he lead them to the earthworks and burial chambers of the Ancients of Men . . .
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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