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Old 03-25-2003, 10:21 PM   #34
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Middangeard
Posts: 69
Lugbúrz has just left Hobbiton.

Even though they were all tired from their encounter, the elves decided to keep a watch as they rested. Elrohir took the first watch, and as he sat, his senses keen to the surroundings, his thoughts were far away.

'When three trolls can cause such havoc, what hope does there lie for us in Moria?' wondered Elrohir.

As he sat and pondered the road ahead, he set about examining the swords that his brother had showed him. Upon looking at them closely, he realised that they belonged to the elves of Mirkwood. He looked East, and the lands stretched beyond him in open fields. He knew that just beyond lay the River Anduin, and nigh to its Eastern bank lay the first eaves of Mirkwood. On their Southern path lay the lands of Men.

'And what hope will that bring, I wonder,' he sighed, as he got up at the end of his watch.
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