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Old 05-11-2003, 03:40 PM   #85
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Maika's Post

Wren narrowed her eyes as she looked into the cowl, trying to see the face of the man that bent over her. Failing, she kicked her leg forcefully out from under her, hitting the man behind his knees, making him fall to the ground. She rolled away from him and stood, running at the man with her sword. Shocked at her speed, he brought the sword up and swung at her. Unaware of the lightweight nature of the sword, he flung it away in his attempt to slice at her. The noblewoman caught it by the hilt and held it before her, daring the man before her to attack. He was caught off guard at first but then grinned sadistically as he pulled two long knives out of their sheaths on his belt. Wren fidgeted nervously. The man leaped towards her and she met him quickly, knocking one knife from his hand and slicing his wrist. Screaming in pain, she leapt again; Wren skewered him in mid-air. She pulled her sword from his chest and turned again to join the fight.
Men were everywhere. The company was fighting well, but they were greatly overwhelmed. Wren searched vainly for the man in the cloak as she quickly eliminated her adversaries. Then she saw Rangar fighting with the grace of a falcon. He seemed to have a sixth sense that informed him when his enemies were upon him allowing him to parry their attacks and overtake them with surprising ease. The noblewoman was very much amazed at his skill and was distracted for a moment from the fighting. Then a dagger whistled by her ear bringing her attention back. She ducked the airborne weapon and brought her sword about to meet the next dagger. It was deflected and fell to the ground. Wren tried to leap out of the way of a charging wild man but he caught her by the leg and brought her down with him. Rolling over on her back she ran her sword through him as he leaned over her ready to slice with his scimitar. She pulled her rapier free just as another attacker made his move. Severing his head easily, she ran to where the rest of the company was. Enien had a nasty gash on her brow that made Wren cringe. She saw where Turthôl was fighting near Rangar and Bregand and Tareth were holding their own not far from them. The rest of the women in the group along with Calimir had been attacked in the trees and were just coming into the clearing, having just disposed of their first onslaught of foes.

Wren parried attacks as she made towards Turthôl. (Rangar had moved further away, his skills inconceivably advanced). Shouting above the clang of steel, the noblewoman told Turthôl about the cloaked man as she defended herself.

“It is not by -- chance that these -- wild men -- fall upon us. They have -- a leader. He’s looking for Rangar. Couldn’t tell -- what he looks like thought.” Turthôl nodded but continued to fight, obviously trying to make his way over to Rangar. Wren glanced around quickly and noticed that the group was slowly being singling off and getting further away from the center group.

“No!” she yelled, “Stay together!” Her voice was strained but Enien had heard her and repeated it so that all could hear. The company began to move together again. There are so many thought Wren as she fought, her arms tiring very quickly, I don’t know about the rest, but I’m not going to last very much longer. As soon as she had thought that a hard kick in her back sent her sprawling on the ground. She gripped her sword in both hands and swung it up, rolling over on her back again. The rapier met the large shield with a deafening clang. The collision numbed her arms and knocked her sword from her hands. The man in the cloak stood over her again. She brought her foot up between his legs giving him a mighty kick that gave her plenty of time to get away and get her sword. She grabbed the weapon and turned to face him but he was gone. Wren cursed and turned to join the fight, but she wasn’t given a chance. Something heavy and hard hit her in the back of her head, making the stars spin around her head. Being stunned for that split second cost her dearly. Two pairs of strong arms grabbed her from behind her and punched her hard in the stomach. She fell limp into the arms and was dragged away into the forest.

“Now we’ll see what you know girl,” said an icy voice. Then it went dark.

[ May 13, 2003: Message edited by: Carlas ]
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