Thread: The White Horse
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Old 12-26-2002, 01:03 AM   #136
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Stepping forward from the shadows of the corner niche, a tall wood elf emerged. The cloak and manner of dress were of the Laurelindórenan families of old. "I am here to aid you. I have been waiting for the news of this to reach Rohan whereby we may enlist the help of the brave hearts that gather here."

The elf stepped forward, and offered his arm in a salute of brotherhood that only the citizens of Lorien knew. The messenger realized at once this tall elf was from his own homeland. Relief eased the worry etched around his eyes. He drained the drink with welcome gratitude.

"I am Lilebrian (leel-EB-ree-un) Longbow and I am ready to join the archers of the Golden Wood and all who aid their fight. Long have we suffered at the hands of our 'friends'; those who would use our home for their sport. Where do we draw the line? Do we wait until our sisters and daughters are drawn away from us one by one?"

The elf scanned the faces of the patrons there. Indignation flashed in silvery eyes of cold fire. Who indeed amongst them would aid in the protection of the Lady's Wood?

Scanning the faces, one by one, others stepped forward ready to find the wronged elf female, and rise to the challenge put forth by the elf.