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Old 09-17-2003, 07:16 PM   #75
Posts: n/a

A tall lean Elf walks slowly toward the Green Dragon inn. He had traveled far to this place seeking not the Grey Havens as many other Elves did but to learn of the mysterious folk that lived in this part of the world namely "Hobbits"

As he opened the door to the inn he noticed that he would be learning of more then just hobbits. All maner of folk were gathered here drinking their ale or smoking thier pipeweed. Thier were Dwarves, Hobbits, Elves, and Men all in one place.

Elmerith went to an empty table in a corner of the inn he looked around the inn again. Maybe he would be luky and hear some nteresting news or maybe there would be a quest to go on. Elmeith was thirsting for some adventure.

As he continued in his reflections he began to realize that he was thirsting fore a more earthly desire in his eyes. He called out to the baretender and signaled for a glass of wine.