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Old 09-02-2003, 01:18 PM   #58
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Child of the 7th Age is a guest of Tom Bombadil.


If it's possible, I'd like to play one of the Shirriffs. As you can see from my profile and first post, Hob is not quite as friendly with the "newcomers" as the other Shirriffs who'll be playing in our game. Hob's situation falls in line with how Tolkien described the bulk of the Shirriffs: "most if them were in it against their will." Hob dearly hopes that, by the end of this tale, he will find a way out of his predicament.

Also, could you clarify the specific time frame of this story? One of the posters alluded to Sharkey's presence. Since Saruman came to the Shire in late August 1419, that means the RPG would take place sometime between that date and the end of October when Frodo and his band returned. Lotho (the Chief Shirriff) is probably dead, eaten by Grima, but most hobbits (even the Shirriffs) wouldn't know that yet.

Is that right?

Also, Hob would be my main character, but he may make brief references to his fiancee Cami or even do a cameo scene or two with her, if that fits in. (Their relationship was established in the original Star RPGs.)


Character Description Form:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – YES - Which one? Voyage of the Lonely Star, Castle Maladil, Hobbit's Gift, The Long Winter, Hunt for the Dragon, Revenge of the Entish Bow (cameo), etc.

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? Please note you may play in only 3 games at one time.

1. Corsairs and Corsets (ends 9/20)
2. Shadow of the Star (three more posts to go once the thread is fixed!)

I am involved in planning for Breelanders All, but this will not go up until the Star RPG ends.

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES – Which one? Both


For your character please include:

NAME: Hob Fields

AGE: 40

RACE: Hobbit - Harfoot



As an experienced farm lad, Hob wields a mean cudgel, or stave, to ward off attackers. Growing up with a passel of Tooks in the wilds of Tukborough, he also learned how to handle a bow. However, he is far more accustomed to hunting animals like deer or coney than shooting at men or hobbits.


Hob is in many respects a typical hobbit. He has an open and trusting face, and stands about 3'9" with shaggy brown curls and big brown eyes. His skin is nut-brown, as is true of most of the Harfoots. He is of medium build, but with a bit of a paunch about the waist, the result of too many good dinners served to him by his mother and by his young fiancee Camelia Goodchild.


All in all, Hob is a mild-mannered fellow who likes to spend his time enjoying his pipe and chatting with friends rather than being asked to enforce a whole series of preposterous rules that the Chief Shirriff recently set down. He is too frightened and confused to challenge this situation, although he wishes he had the courage to do so.

Despite his everyday appearance, Hob is actually quite a bright lad. He'd better be! He has the unenviable task of convincing those about him that he supports the dictates of the Chief and Sharkey.


Hob is one of the rare Shirriff holdovers from earlier times who's trying to adapt to the new regime. The younger son of Larkspur and Robin Fields, Hob grew up on a small farmstead on the outskirts of Tukborough, a member of one of the few Harfoot families amidst a sea of neighboring Fallohides. His parents made their living by raising pigs and mushrooms in the wooded groves of the Green-Hill Country.

Upon turning thirty-three, Hob decided it was time for a change. He moved to Stock, a village in the Northern Marish, just south of the Brandywine Bridge, where he'd served as Shirriff for the past seven years. The first six were happy ones. The position gave Hob a chance to walk round the countryside, start up conversations with any number of good folk, and learn where the finest beer was. Even better than that, he had been just a stone's throw from his beloved Cami Goodchild, a young lass who worked as a nursemaid at Buckland Hall. Cami had kept Hob coming and going in recent years with her inability to decide exactly when the couple should get married.

But in the last year, his situation had worsened. The Chief Shirriff--Lotho Sackville-Baggins--had made endless lists of rules and employed a network of "sneaks" who made life miserable for many of the Shirriffs. Worst of all, Cami as a long-time enemy of Lotho (see Hobbit's Gift RPG) had now laid down the law to Hob, threatening to cut off their engagement unless he resigned from his job as Shirriff. Hobb would happily comply, but he does not want to end up in the Lockholes. So he is truly at a loss as to what he should do.


First post:

Hob crouched lower in his seat as he saw Bill Ferny pick up the paper with the names of the Shirriffs who were being sent to Tookland to "put the Thain in his place". He could not think of a worse assignment than this. All his old friends from home would see what he was doing in the employ of the Shirriffs and give him a mighty earful.

Plus, he couldn't imagine standing up to the Thain. It would be downright rude and ungrateful. On any number of occasions, Paladin had graciously extended a helping hand to his parents to get them through the tough times. He remembered being caught stealing a chicken out of the Took's henhouse when the drought was on, and his little brother was so hungry. Not only had Paladin agreed not to punish him; he'd actually had the missus roast the bird in the oven with that nice, savory gravy she made so well and send it home with a little note for his mother that didn't even mention what he'd actually been doing. It made Hob's mouth water even to think about it.

But that was not the worst of it. If he went to Tookland and harassed the Thain, his bride-to-be Cami would certainly learn what had happened. And she would not be pleased. Cami had practically grown up in the hallowed halls of Bag-end, learning her letters and numbers at Bilbo's kitchen table. She had been friendly with Frodo and his friends before they'd gone away, and was sure to complain about any ill treatment of Pippin's father, the 'mighty' Paladin II.

Hob crouched lower as the names were read off to the assembled Shirriffs, groaning quietly under his breath: Olbard Stonetoe....Olo Underfoot. Those hobbits were great admirers of Ferny and his crew, the sort of Shirriffs who might even be snitches. Whoever went with them would have to watch their back.

Hob closed his eyes tight and clenched his fists around the arms of his chair. Then he looked up in shock as Ferny read out the final name on the list....Hob Fields! Hob Fields? Hob moaned inwardly, then plastered a smile across his face and hastily jumped up. "Oh, yes sir. Thank you, Mister Ferny. I'll be pleased to help carry out this important duty." Inside he was screaming a loud 'no', but that would get him nowhere except the Lockholes. If he valued his neck, he'd better play along with Ferny and the other Shirriffs and try to see where all this was leading.

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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