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Old 06-14-2003, 01:54 AM   #11
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Join Date: Mar 2002
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Lyra Greenleaf's character: (Minas Tirith Group)

NAME: Emilia

AGE: 21

RACE: Human- Gondorian

GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: Curly brown hair falling below her waist which she takes loving care of. Dark brown eyes which have a wide eyed helpless look around men and a hard glint among women. Rather tight fitting, low cut dresses and lots of jewellery. Freckles- the bane of her life.

HISTORY: Has grown up in the court at Minas Tirith with only a very vague sense of anything outside the city- soldiers are merely to be admired and flirted with. Has a strict mother and a doting father- both of whom are in the countryside visiting her older brother and his new baby. Is now seriously looking for a husband as she does not want to end up an old maid- a type of woman she pities and ridicules. However, she does want to marry for love.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Emilia is clever although she usually only uses it for cunning and thinking of witty, biting remarks. She has few good female friends but admired by most men. Truly loves her father and brother, but has a strained relationship with her mother. Acts empty headed and helpless around men, a policy which other women don’t like but often seems to work in catching male attention. Very manipulative, sees it as a sort of hobby.


Lyra Greenleaf´s post

“Oh dear!”
Emilia shook her head just enough to make her hair sway prettily but without tangling it. From the corner of her eye she watched the off duty City Guard.
He is looking!
Deliberately, Emilia widened her eyes.

“Oh no. What shall I do?”
Once again she looked at the Guard. He was definitely watching her. Quite appraisingly, too. Irritation flared. That was very crude of him. With an internal sigh she decided he would never do to marry. Not if he went around looking at all pretty girls like that. Still, he was attractive.

Why is he not offering to help? Oaf!
Unhappily she turned to him, deciding to try the direct approach. “Will you please help me? I’m trying to find the Houses of Healing, and I can’t remember the way.” Discreetly Emilia batted her eyelashes. It was always best to be discrete, she had never yet been accused of flirting by a man.

Annoyingly the man raised an eyebrow, and gave a slight smile.
“The Houses of Healing? And why would you be going there? You don’t look ill to me”
Insolence! The gall of this man!
Emilia was unsure how to reply. She had never been questioned in this way before! Most of the Guards would just be happy to escort her, to talk to her.

“I-I have a message for one of the healers.”
“Very well” the man replied, again with that insolent half smile. Immediately he turned and began to walk briskly, cloak swirling around his legs. Emilia hurried to follow, blood boiling. He was indeed walking briskly, she could hardly keep up.

With a start Emilia realised she was passing her own front door. Her ‘escort’ had not yet looked back to check whether she was following. With a small smile Emilia turned aside and entered her house.

I believe I win, she said to herself.

Emilia looked around the gathering in disgust. There were so many women! “Where are all the men?” she asked the old lady sitting to her left.
“Some trouble with, well I own, I hardly know who! Not those Corsairs, I don’t think. The Rohirrim? No, they’re on our side…”
Emilia sighed and wandered away. An Old Maid.
No doubt she has no-one to talk to at home so decides to bore to tears anyone she meets!

From a vantage point in a corner of the long room Emilia gazed around. There really were very few men. With satisfaction she noticed Beren. Well, there’s little fear of him going to fight anyone, she thought with contempt. Little worm! Nevertheless he is extremely good looking. He makes the City Guard look-
Emilia broke off her thought, annoyance at the man’s attitude resurfacing.
Determinedly she began to walk towards Beren. He was talking with Lorna.
Simply because she has fair hair she thinks every man should fall at her feet! Empty headed little-

“Lorna!” Emilia said, false smile spreading over her features. “And Beren!” ”Emilia” Lorna returned, smile stretched even wider.
“I am so parched. Do either of you know where I can get a drink?” Emilia asked, features showing innocence.
“I will get you one of course Emilia” Beren answered immediately.

Emilia watched him walk away with a small smile.
Men! So easy to understand and control! It’s sweet really. Except that-
Emilia cut herself off again. Not that odious man.

At Beren’s departure both women dropped their smiles.
“Emilia I was talking to him first. When you get your drink - ”
“But Lorna, I simply had to come and tell you about your hair.”
”My hair?” Lorna looked at Emilia distrustfully. Emilia was aware that somehow she had gained a reputation among the women for being manipulating. It was unfortunate, really- it made everything so much harder.

“Well yes. The interesting effect you have at the back. It’s very bold. I only hope everyone else likes it as much as I”
Lorna put a hand up to feel her hair. Emilia bit back a smile.
Nearly as easy as dear Beren!

“I think it’s commendable,” she continued “Court fashions haven’t changed in so long. Whose idea was it? The tangled look I mean?”
“T-tangled?” Lorna began, distrust still flickering in her eyes. “It’s not - ”
Time for the kill!
“Yes, tangled. Letty was saying it looked like a bird’s nest. I stood up for you of course. I think it’s a triumph.”

Both women stared towards Letty. Emilia had noticed her looking, a few moments ago. Now, of course, she quickly ducked her head. Looking back to Lorna, Emilia saw horror was blooming on her face.
“E-Excuse me” she said, walking quickly away, hands fluttering up repeatedly to touch her hair. Emilia smiled gently as she watched her leave the room, then waved at Beren, who nodded, rasing his two filled hands.

Indeed people are so easy to control, Emilia thought with satisfaction. That was a most enjoyable interlude. Now, I think, a dance? Beren dances as badly as he would fight- were he ever to try. Reniedil on the other hand…


The next morning Emilia yawned behind her hand as she waited for the girl from Dol Amroth, who was to wed Denethor.
Such a pity that we must all stand around to greet her. It was be far more agreeable to have a party. Or a ball…

A dreamy smile spread across her face at the thought. A new dress of course, perhaps a dusky rose pink like the one she had worn for her brother’s wedding. Hopefully the soldiers would be recalled to the city, for Emilia could not stand another party with just the men like Beren, too rich or cowardly to do anything.
Yes, that would do nicely…

A flash of movement in front of her distracted her attention from a detailed plan of the embroidery she would have on the bodice of her dress. As she looked up, Emilia saw the guard from yesterday. He was waving his hand at her, talking to another soldier. As he saw her looking he winked. Unbidden, a blush crept onto Emilia’s face. She willed it away, for blushing made her freckles stand out. It would not go, and she feared he would notice. Notice that he had got to her, of course, not her freckles. She wouldn’t care about the freckles. Of course not. Vexed she turned away.
Obnoxious pig of a man! she thought furiously.Where in the world is Adrama?

[ June 20, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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