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Old 01-01-2003, 04:45 PM   #25
Orofacion of the Vanyar
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Clayton, NC
Posts: 102
Orofacion of the Vanyar has just left Hobbiton.
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"So it's decided, Ulfeg, you will meet up with our thieves and escort them here. Wait for them by the ford at the Snowborne and give them this letter, the leader will recognize the emblem," a large personal guard walked up and gave him a scroll with a primitive looking seal on it. "They won't be there for a few more days, I suggest you hurry."

Ulfeg, a short, swallow man, stood infront of three other men, two fairly large at either side of one lankier man, tall and dark who was sitting at a table. Ulfeg looked nothing like this more regal man, the Easterling was dirty and uncared for from miles of travel, his unkept sword, rusting a bit at the hilt, hung loosely from his side, skirting the ground. His boots and lower grey cloak caked with mud, as well as his tunic being stained from various things. "You realize my compensation will have to match my expenses travelling that far east?" Ufleg asked, though in a more demanding sort of way, spitting off to the side. The tall man nodded.

"Oh and Ulfeg, do be sure they are unspoiled mind you," the tall man added as the Easterling began to leave.

Ulfeg snorted and turned from the meeting hall. "Spoiled! If anything is spoiled it's him!" he said underneath his breath as he walked out the doors and to the stables around the right. "So it's come to this, Ulfeg the Great, errand-boy, looking after savages as if they were children! Grashk!" Ulfeg cursed.

It was warm, and thick, as Ulfeg made his way east out of the town. The air was moist with the recent rains and the ground was soft with new mud. Ulfeg's horse was finding it a bit hard to traverse the difficult terrain, but as they rode on to higher ground the grass became much more full and easy to ride upon. Off in the distance he caught a glimpse of the lower end of the Misty Mountains to the right and the seemingly endless wall of the White Mountains off to his left. In front of him was a wide pass that seemed to stretch on forever, "Perhaps I'm too old for this," Ulfeg thought to himself, as he pumped his cramped, arthritic fingers. It was four days hard ride to the Snowborne.

[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Orofacion of the Vanyar ]
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