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Old 05-02-2003, 06:41 AM   #351
The Saucepan Man
Corpus Cacophonous
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The Saucepan Man has been trapped in the Barrow!
Thumbs up

The Saucepan Man excitedly thanked Fin for having located the Feastpot, although the tall, dark Elf was still not at all sure what all the fuss had been about.

"You have most probably averted a terrible tragedy," Saucepan explained. "Just imagine what might have happened had it found its way into the wrong hands! Why, we might have found ourselves drowning in a river of mushroom soup or smothered by an enormous alecake. I am indeed indebted to you, Sir Elf." Fin looked doubtful, but smiled all the same.

The Saucepan Man glanced over to where Fin had found the Pot. "Hmm. A Hobbit", he thought to himself. "How lucky she didn't have the magic word!"

Having thanked Fin once again and taken his leave (and having not noticed Nerindel waving at them), Saucepan clattered over to Mithadan who, after a brief explanation, agreed to store the Pot in a secured area backstage while the note on which the magic word was written was still missing. This having been accomplished, Saucepan was content that any further search could wait. For now, he needed to catch up on some sleep.

He saw Diamond engrossed in a book. He reflected on how her necklace of eighteen dazzling diamonds had kept his mirrorball on the verge of overload since she had arrived. She was sitting on a sofa next to a snoozing Heren-Istarion. Waving cheerily to Diamond, and making a mental note to catch up with her later, he chose a vacant sofa nearby as his erstwhile bed and was soon snoring away ...

[ May 02, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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